Friday, November 30, 2018

Unmasked Vertigo - Neurology & Neuroscience

Vertigo is a very unpleasant symptom for the patient and a complex clinical problem for the  neurologist. First of all: a clear definition is needed, useful for both patients and clinicians and this  doesn’t seem a problem but, in my professional life I haven’t yet found a satisfactory definition: I think that the following is clear  and  comprehensive: Vertigo is a distorted perception of the  position or movement of head in the space. It may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and by other vegetative symptoms; other signs may be nystagmus and postural deviations with falls. First of all, we must have complete knowledge of the structures which give a contribution to our perception of the position and shift of our head in  the  surrounding  space. 

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Advance of the Modified g-C3N4 Materials by Doping WO3-x (X=0.1, 0.2, 0.3) - Material Science

The non-stoichiometric tungsten oxide nanostructure, WO2.9 (W25O73, dark blue color) is an efficient electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution in acidic water, which has shown promise as an alternative to platinum (Nature Communications 2015, 6, 8064(1-7)). Generally speaking, the oxygen vacancies or oxygen deficiencies can affect the electronic band structure and enhance the conductivity.

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Thursday, November 29, 2018

Postural and Muscular Activity Changes in Camptocormia Patients as a Result of Rehabilitation Treatment with the TPAD Brace - Biostatistics & Biometric Applications

Camptocormia is a postural disease that affects the elderly population and is characterized by the anteflexion of the trunk. Orthopedic medical devices, such as the Thoracic Pelvic Anterior Distractor brace, are used in combination with physiotherapy during the treatment. It is therefore important to evaluate the changes that this brace can make to posture and the erector spinae muscle performance.
During this study, a postural evaluation was performed in twenty camptocormia patients by quantifying the sagittal arrows, with and without the brace, during walking. The erector spinae muscular intensity was evaluated by measuring muscular activity at the C7, T12, L3 and S1 vertebral processes during static and dynamic exercises. Throughout this study, it was possible to observe the influence of the TPAD brace in reestablishing the natural upright posture by reducing significantly the C7-SAR (sagittal arrow) and Patella-SAR, which decreased from 21cm to 9cm and from 27cm to 17cm respectively. It was observed that muscular intensity decreased significantly in all evaluated vertebral levels when patients used the brace in static positions. The non-significant change in muscular activity during walking (from beginning to end) suggests that the brace promotes stable muscular activity in the erector spinae muscles.
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Transient Contrast Induced Encephalopathy After Carotid Artery Stenting; A Fact Not Fiction - Cardiovascular Research

We describe an interesting case of a 91-year-old man with severe symptomatic left carotid subtotal stenosis with  multiple comorbidities who developed a transient contrast induced encephalopathy  shortly after carotid stenting and completely  resolved within 24 hours.

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Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Book Review ‘Physical Disability’ (Malay Version) - Clinical Case Studies

Written by Dr. John Shenkman, physical disorder is any type of disability or illness that makes  one  feel  less  fortunate  than  any  other person. There is no doubt that we all have been ill from time to time due to sore throat or flu. This disease can also cause us not to go to school. However physical disabilities have a longer effect on the lives of their sufferers. Certain efforts must be made to deal with physical disability problems. Each human body consists of small units called cells that grow together to form skin, nerves, bones and others. All of these belong to a complex interconnected cell system. Each system relies on another system to function perfectly. Frames, muscles, blood, organs and nerves are all joined to make us function normally. If anything happens very seriously to one of the systems, a situation called a physical defect will occur.

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Endogenous Archeological Sciences: Anatomy, Physiology, Neuroscience, Biochemistry, Immunology, Pharmacology, Oncology, Genetics as Instrument for A New Field of Investigation? Modern Global Aspects for A New Discipline - Addiction and Psychology

In this work is analyzed scientific literature involved in human evolution to be used as an archeological pathway to link different sciences in an overall new discipline. A rational classification of single evidence make possible to better understand under new light some physiological process. The archeological instrument to be applied in other field like biology or other sciences.

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Constipation Problem in Nursing Students and Effectiveness of Interventions used by them for its Management - Nursing & Care

Constipation is a condition in which an individual feels an abnormality in her or his bowel functions and also experiences less defecation and feels the symptoms of distress, strain, and swelling in the lower abdominal region [1]. The studies have  reported  that the prevalence  of  constipation  varies  between  2.6%  and  30.7% [2-5]. In another study, it was reported that the prevalence of constipation was 37.2% for women and 10.2% for men. In the same study, it was stated that the prevalence of  constipation increased with increasing age [6]. In a study conducted in Turkey, it was reported  that  the  prevalence  of  constipation was 20% and 73% of individuals constituting this rate were women and 30% were 60 years old and over [7].
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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Noble Brains and Nobel Laureates- Role Models for the 21st Century - Addiction and Psychology 

Continuing the article “The Brain as Peacemaker”, based on Spery’s Split Brain experiments, the question arises, what gives meaning to our life. For Victor Frankl and Albert Einstein, someone, who finds meaning, is religious. In Goethe’s view, everybody, who has art, has also  religion  and  those,  who  do  not  have  art,  should  have religion. For Goethe all humanity is the true human being and true  science  and  the  true  study  of  humanity is the human being. This  in  mind, the author  thanks  all  artists,  researchers,  helpers,  children  and  students, who gave support or lectures for  “New  Frontiers in Science” activities. To see others as they should be can help them to become, what they could be, according to Goethe and Frankl. In the Bible this insight is illustrated by the prophet Jonah, saving Nineveh after overcoming the Jonah complex, introduced into psychology by  Abraham Maslow to make clear, what humans prevents from realizing their own potential andmission, in order to live in peace with others on our planet Earth.  

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Could Abnormal Distribution of Interstitial Cells of Cajal be Involved in Gastrointestinal Disorders in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease? - Neurology & Neuroscience

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a common degenerative disease of  the nervous system in elderly   people. The main clinical manifestations are tremor and rigidity. In addition to the typical motor  symptoms, PD patients also have a higher incidence of gastrointestinal disorders, of which   constipation is the most common, with a foreign incidence of 67% [1], the incidence in domestic of  more than 50% [2]. Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) plays an important role in gastrointestinal motility as a pacemaker and transduction agent of gastrointestinal rhythmic electrical activity. To date, studies on the pathogenesis of PD gastrointestinal disorders have not involved the ICC pathway. In this study, we used anti-C-kit immuno histochemistry to observe  the distribution of ICCs in the intestinal tract of PD patients, so as to explore the role of ICCs in the gastrointestinal dysfunction of PD.
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Role of the Nurse in Forensic Psychiatry - Research & Reviews 

The job description of the nurses includes the care, monitoring, supervision and counseling of patients and other sick persons, as well as keeping documentation and performing health care. Depending on the workplace (hospitals, health centers, ambulance, home  of  the  retired),  the  nursing  job  can  also  include  prevention,  rehabilitation, health  education  and  health  promotion.  Most  nurses mainly deal with nursing care, and what they share is a systematic approach to addressing health problems within their scope. Nurses monitoring the psychological and physical condition of their patients and so they come to important data needed for further treatment. 
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Climate Change and Research Challenges in Civil and Structural Engineering - Civil & Structural Engineering

Actually, research in civil and structural engineering needs more worldwide collaboration to find solutions for many challenges related to climate change. Particularly, efforts must be focused on the development of modern design codes based on reliability concepts, calibrated from quantitative risk analysis for adapting to, and mitigating the impacts of natural disasters such as storms, sever earthquakes, strong winds ...etc. These codes are the basis for engineering design and play an important role in decision making about the performance of structures over their working life. The consideration of reliability concepts in structural and geotechnical engineering is widely recognized because they are based on probability theory that enables the impact on safety and serviceability of uncertainties in both materials behavior and calculation models. Especially in the field of geotechnical engineering, the uncertainties in the soil properties are relatively high. Therefore, efficient probabilistic techniques are necessary to define reliability levels for structural design.  Current design codes, based on partial safety concepts, define the target reliability for different structures (onshore, offshore) depending on the desired safety levels, however worldwide research efforts and developments are needed for engineering practice of risk and reliability analysis. In addition, they should be calibrated and adapted to the actual environmental loading related to climate change.

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A Special Case Report of Aggressive Hemorrhage in Posterior Vaginal Fornix DIE - Gynecology & Womens Health

Deep infiltrating endometriosis (DIE) is defined by the presence of endometrial implants, fibrosis, and muscular hyperplasia below the peritoneum, invading the tissue to a depth of more than 5 mm [1]. Deep endometriosis involves, in descending order of frequency, the uterosacral ligaments (USL), the rectosigmoid colon, the vagina, and the bladder [2]. Pain and infertility are the main manifestationsof DIE, including dysmenorrhea pain, chronic pelvic pain, dyspareunia, defecation pain, dysuria and back pain. DIE lesions are deep infiltration, severe pain symptoms, poor conservative treatment, difficult surgery, pelvic adhesions, and high risk of surgical accessory injury.

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Iris Publishers-Open access Journal of Biology & Life Sciences | Climate Change and its Impact on the Agricultural Sector

  Authored by  Zakaria Fouad Fawzy*, Abstract The agricultural sector is one of the sectors that will be negatively affected by this phenome...