Monday, May 20, 2019

Iris Publishers-Open access Journal of Nursing & Care | Argumentative Essay Paper on Seclusion Usage Among Aggressive Patients in Psychiatric Sitting

Authored by Qusai Mohammed Harahsheh

Every person in our world adapt with live challenges in different way, but some people cannot develop ways to cope with this challenge which resulted to mental disorders among this person as a chain of destructive behaviors images. In general, mental illness are inability to cope with different stressors which developed by environment internally or externally, this failure of coping reflected as incongruent feelings, thoughts and behaviors with norms which used locally or culturally, on the same time this maladaptive interfere with people function socially, physically and occupationally [1]. Mental and psychiatric science developed many methods to control this destructives behaviors such as medication, technique, and seclusion, the point here about using seclusion from legal and ethical dimensions, is it acceptable or not?.Seclusion defined as involuntary isolation of patient in specific room, this room named as seclusion room, and has many characteristics focusing on non-stimulating place, it must be locked, supervised by window, and contain the safety measurements as a hole (Health Care Commission, 2008), On the other hand the mental health commission defined the seclusion as a place has locked door designed in way which prevent going outside, this person stay in this room alone and on a specific time.
Furthermore the argumentative essay defined as a type of writing that need from the author to define a position on specific topic depend on evidence such as articles, personal experience, historical examples and litterers to support author viewpoint (Sweat, 2003). Although many opinions focusing on the harm effect of using seclusion related to break the autonomy, humanity and many other principles, many studies shown that seclusion as one of the most important measurement used in close units for mental health patient as a result of aggressive behaviors which may affect patient his self-integrity, other patients and health care provides safety who working on this settings (Happell & Harrow, 2010), moreover the number of seclusion episode varied from 3.7 – 110/1000 in patient/day in USA and Netherlands and 1.3 – 1517/1000 patient/day in Australia, Belgium [2]. Actually ethical consideration against seclusion are not newly identified, in 1839 the British Psychiatrist John Connolly advocate to eliminate the seclusion from treatment, because it’s penetrate many of most important patient rights. On the other hand, the failure of using the psychotropic agent in 1950 to control aggression behaviors pushed health care providers to use seclusion as essential elements to treat mentally ill patient (Guthrie, 1978) The current author strongly against using seclusion among mentally ill in-patients, who has destructive behaviors in psychiatric sittings. The purpose of this essay is to clarify a holistic overview related to using seclusion among mentally ill in-patients and discuss many opinions which focused on use or not use seclusion among mentally ill in-patients from legal and ethical dimensions, followed by summary and conclusion.

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