Saturday, June 29, 2019

Iris Publishers-Open access journal of Complementary & Alternative Medicine | Why We Get Sick and Old?

Authored by Vivina Siddhi

We can slow down and even reverse the effects of aging with a preventive health care that includes alternative approaches. It’s never too late to start changing ourselves. Man needs a healthy body for a healthy mind, filed worth good thoughts. Physical fitness alone is not enough. Mental health is equally important. Together with the gross physical body everybody has a subtle body. One has to take good care of this subtle body also. For this, spiritual exercises will have to be performed which will help one to realize the purity of the heart, mind and soul. We have to practice human values for healthy living, too.

Peace – Stress - Peace

The greatest disease (or absence of ease) is the absence of peace of mind. When the mind gets peace, the body also will have health. We must pay attention to the emotions, feelings and motives that animate the individual. We should have good company. Bhagavan’s Satya Sai Baba’s statement is that falsehood, injustice, indiscipline, cruelty, hates form the dirt. Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love - these form the clean elements. If you inhale the pure air your mind will be free from evil and you will be mentally sturdy and physically strong.
Science is finding more and more that psychological stress has severe impacts on the body and mind. Stress can trigger depression and anxiety; it can trigger asthma attacks and strokes, it can set off heart-beat disturbances; it can irritate digestion and even cause ulcers; it can cause impotence in man and menstrual difficulties in women, it can trigger muscle twitches and nervous tics, and it cause the skin break out in various diseases. The modern lifestyle leads to stress, anger, depression and lack of time for spiritual work. Anger is a great cause of ill health, besides being dangerous for other reasons. We must conquer these negative emotions within us when they arise in the mind and try to think of something else than the circumstances that roused your anger, jealousy etc. Go for a long walk, do yoga, gym, ride a bike, and do activities that make you happy. Than you struggle less and win fast. Man does not take preventive measures; he allows things to worsen and then the disease is aggravated by fear, uncertainty and anxiety.
“Stress hormones – the “fight-or-flight” hormone adrenaline literally pour into our cardiovascular system when you’re under stress, especially in situations involving anger or hostility. This sends your blood pressure sky-rocketing and it’s implicated not only in heart disease but in heart attacks” [1]. It decreases in blood flow to the extremities, including the sexual organs; and a slowing of digestion. The “fight-or-flight” response also increases the level of the hormone cortisol, which reduces the activity of the immune system. Cortisol plays a useful role in the temporary reduction of inflammation. When the danger has passed, these systems return to normal in the relaxation response. However, in chronic stress, this physiological arousal persists, which can lead to a decrease in the activity of the immune system and continual anxiety.
When we dive through consciousness and we are exposed to the negative influences from other people who are meditating on us, we also get stressed out. Such kind of influences have very bad effects on our daily life. We make wrong decisions and destructions that are essential for entire life. Unfortunately, people who have opened third eye are sometimes paid to create destructions just to satisfy others wishes. They are imposing thoughts into the brains during sleep time. Instead to send another person positive affirmation for long, healthy and wealthy life they are analyzing and criticizing others, imposing dangerous illusions via thoughts and images. They are also trying to control others. This is not our natural state of mind. It is very unhealthy approach and against the natural law. Every human being has the right to have freedom to live in a healthy way.
If we can relieve stress, we can help keep our mind and body in youthful condition. When you feel better, you behave younger and you live younger. You have more optimism, more courage. By changing your lifestyle through diet, exercise and attitude – your biological age can be that of a younger person.


There are ranges of techniques for inducing the relaxation response such as: meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, muscle relaxation and hypnosis (deep relaxation state). All these methods led to decreases in oxygen consumption, respiration rate, and heart rate. In patients with high blood pressure, the blood pressure went down. “There was also decrease in the level of lactic acid in the blood, falling by around 40 percent within ten minutes of starting to meditate. Lactic acid is normally produced as a result of muscular activity, and in people prone to anxiety, it increases the likelihood of anxiety attacks” [2].
When the breath slows down and we have negative entity in the aura, this entity can create a feeling of “protection field”; however, it is causing an anxiety. It can trigger brain and causes stroke. Breathing techniques awakens Kundalini energy. Kundalini is described as a sleeping, dormant potential force in the human being. It is one of the components of an esoteric description of the subtle body, which consists of nadis (energy channels), chakras (psychic centers), prana (subtle energy), and Bindu (drops of essence). Ida, pingala and sushumna are the three major nadis or psychic energy channels responsible for the activation and rising of kundalini, known otherwise as the “serpent power”. Slow and deep breathing reduces stress. We stay young when kundalini energy is speeding up in all chakras equally and stays this way.
Any kind of activity can be transformed into active meditation. One can learn active meditation via mandala’s workshops that I teach over 30 years. We slow down; however, we do quality work without any stress.

Indigenous People

Indigenous people are very knowledgeable about power of thoughts via prayers. Unfortunately, most of them suffer and it’s very hard for them to step out of struggling circle of psychic attacks. This is one of the main reasons that indigenous people are vulnerable for alcohol and drugs.
“For the tribes’ people themselves, an essential element is the involvement of their shamans, their spiritual guides and the keepers of traditional tribal knowledge. A shaman is using a small pouch from around his neck. He shook out a fine, black powder into his palm and he uses the powerful snuff, made from tobacco, to “open up” the mind and reach the tribe’s people using his thoughts. By performing traditional rituals, including dances, he and the other tribal shamans can build a protective wall with the spirits to keep miners’ loggers and drug traffickers out of the forbidden territories. Through their spiritual work with their thoughts, they give them space, so they can live in peace”.

Psychic Attacks

We often hear people saying, “I am feeling low”, I feel some kind of negativity”, “this place is negative”, psychic interventions, cursing, jealousy etc. All these thoughts, words, feelings and emotions point towards a negative presence or a negative entity. They impact our lives physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually around the body. “These entities can become enmeshed in the aura, the energy field around the body. The emotional or physical trauma endured by a person can render the energy centers vulnerable. They are open like doors to allow entry and attachment by entity” said Dr. William J. Baldwin.
Holes in our aura can be created during surgeries, traumas, etc. When our aura is not whole, its ability to fight the negativity drastically reduces. With a prolonged period of suffering, long bouts of anger and extended periods of stress, all of this can create holes in the aura leading to easy invasion. Black magic and sorcery exist in every culture and proofs of the same exist widely. People who are unhappy with themselves on the first place and with others can send negative energy to bring misery to the victim. They will try to invade your space, time and stay with you, until is cleansed or to the end of one’s life span.
Spirit possession or control by non-physical entity goes against our most basic human and spiritual rights. Unfortunately, they are coming from unhappy people who are lost in illusions and they are triggering our weak spots. These human beings can be very lovely and at the same time evil, too. It is a possibility both terrifying and preposterous.

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