Monday, June 24, 2024

Iris Publishers-Open access Journal of Biology & Life Sciences | Larger to Smaller Evolution Evidence on Land, Large Blue Whales in Oceans and the 20th Order of Mammals discovered


Authored by James T Struck*,


There is some evidence that body sizes of animals have decreased as Giganotosaurus, Diplodocus at 85 feet, Argentinosaurus at up to 130 feet or Sauropods are large while humans are smaller even though blue whales are still large as well at about 95 feet. Evidence of body size decline on land can be argued for.

I discovered the 20th order of mammals consisting of the Aye, Panda, lemurs and marmosets with 6 fingers. A new order of mammals shows more evidence of diversity of life on Earth. Humans have 6 fingers sometimes too.


I made a trip to the Field Museum of Natural History for an Illinois Free Day and made 4 discoveries. “Some individuals are better adapted for survival in a given environment than others. This is called the “Survival of the fittest’ [1].

An extension of survival of the fittest arguments is that on land we see survival of the smaller land organisms in many cases associated to the disappearance of diplodocus, giganotosaurus, brontosaurus, and Argentinosaurus.
1. Body size of animals has decreased from 67 million years ago to today. Maximo and Tyrannosaurus Rex were larger than current humans. Many dinosaurs including sloths were larger than humans today.
2. Tale size in older animals is larger from glyptodont to Maximo to Tyrannosaurs Rex. The reason for tale retraction is unclear.
3. Some of the growth in body size can be linked to flowering plants.
4. Field Museum argues Maximo is the largest animal, but that is unproven as larger animals may still show up. Blue whales in oceans measure about 95 feet.
5. I discovered the Octa Leg and Octa arm group consisting of the crustacean lobster and crab and mollusks Octopus and Squid. I discovered the Sixteen Leg group of shrimps and 10 Leg Prawn. I made advances in recognizing multiple leg creature groups. Even though there is a decrease in total size there are still a large number of legs.
6. Fingered Animals- A 20th order of Mammals is diverse existing in Asia, South America, and Africa. All the examples from this order of mammals exist in the primate group.


We have evidence of a new order of mammals and a decrease in total body size on land, maintenance of large body size in oceans as many sauropods like brontosaurus are larger than humans and pandas, seals, tigers, lions, rhinos, squirrels and giraffes and hippos and raccoons.

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