Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Iris Publishers-Open access Journal of Orthopedics Research | Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies as the Cause of Osteoporosis


Authored by Huang WL*,


Introduction: Primary osteoporosis is related to the aging process in conjunction with decreasing sex hormones. The bones have deterioration in microarchitecture leading to loss of bone mineral density and increased risk of a fracture. Other diseases or their treatments cause secondary osteoporosis. The immune system is an important regulator of bone turnover. Some studies point out that energy and immune system are correlated and the lack of one can influence the other.
Purpose: To demonstrate that patients with osteoporosis have chakras’ energy deficiencies and the treatment of these lack of energy is important to correct the root of the problem (deficiency in the Kidney or second chakra) and not just treating the symptoms.
Methods: two case reports of two women with history of osteoporosis diagnosis through bone densitometry when in treatment of low back pain. It was suggested to perform the chakras’ energy meridian measurement through radiesthesia procedure. Result: all their chakras’ energy centers were in the lowest level of energy (rated 1 out of 8) with exception of the seventh that was normal.
Conclusion: patients with osteoporosis have chakras’ energy deficiencies mainly deficiency in the second chakra (Kidney) and the treatment of these energy deficiencies is important to treat the osteoporosis in the root level and not just the symptoms.

Keywords: Osteoporosis; Energy; Chakras; Diet; Acupuncture; Traditional Chinese medicine; Homeopathy


Osteoporosis is characterized by low bone mass and structural deterioration of bone tissues, increasing the risk of fractures. It can occur at any age, but it occurs mainly in women and adults. The most common symptom is bone pain, such as back and hip pain [1].

According to Lewiecki and Silverman (2006) in the article Redefining osteoporosis treatment: who to treat and how long to treat, the registered medications for osteoporosis treatment include raloxifene (selective estrogen receptor modulator), the three bisphosphonates, nasal calcitonin, teriparatide, and strontium ranelate [2]. Osteoporosis is an important public health problem, as it affects not only people, but also the economy of the society. Therefore, it is essential to search for better and more effective ways of treating and mainly preventing osteoporosis [1].

In this article, I will bring to you a different point of view of diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis, because, according to Hippocrates (c. 460 bce - c. 375 bce) it is important to consider other ancient medicals traditions prior to the knowledge we have nowadays. Therefore, I will show the traditional Chinese medicine point of view regarding osteoporosis formation, diagnosis and treatment.


The purpose of this study is to show how osteoporosis is formed in the energy point of view and how can we prevent and treat this condition, using ancient medical tools and highly diluted medications in the treatment of this condition.


To write this article, I searched for articles related to osteoporosis in Western and in traditional Chinese medicine’s reasoning indexed in PubMed. Also, it was used two cases reports to show how we can prevent the formation of osteoporosis, measuring the chakras’ energy centers of the patients before occurring osteoporosis and how can we treat this condition, only regulating and replenishing the internal energy of the chakras’ energy centers (that I will demonstrate that this energy is in a very low state, specially the Kidney energy or second chakra, that is responsible for the integrity of the bone), in patients that has the diagnosis of osteoporosis and how can we perform the treatment of these patients only rebalancing and replenishing these energies, using Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture and apex ear bloodletting and replenishing the lack of energy of the chakras’ energy centers using homeopathy medications according to the theory Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal-based medications.

Case Report

The first patient that I will report in this article is a 53-yearold woman who felt in the bathroom and hurt his spine. She was undergoing treatment with a calcium-based medication prescribed by her orthopedist and was diagnosed with osteoporosis. As the pain was very severe, the orthopedic doctor indicated that she should began a treatment with a doctor specialized in acupuncture. For this reason, she came to my clinic to be evaluated. Her Chinese medicine’s diagnosis was Kidney Yang deficiency (fells Colder in the lower limbs) and Blood deficiency (do not have daily bowel movement).

The first step in her treatment was to orientate her the diet aspects through Chinese dietary counselling, recommending her to avoid all dairy products, raw foods, sweets and Cold drinks (to prevent the Spleen-pancreas energy deficiency). The second group of foods that I orientate her was to avoid the ingestion of coffee, soft drinks and matte tea (to prevent the Kidney energy meridian deficiency). And the last group of foods that I orientate her to avoid was the ingestion of fried foods, eggs, honey, coconut, alcoholic beverages, chocolate, melted cheese, to avoid the Liver and Gallbladder energy deficiency and more retention of Heat inside the body.

The second step in her treatment was the use of auricular acupuncture associated with apex ear bloodletting, systemic acupuncture and moxibustion. The auricular acupuncture points used in her case are described in the (Figure 1). To measure her chakras’ energy centers, I used the radiesthesia procedure.


Result of the First Case Report.

Six of the seven chakras’ energy centers of this patients were in the minimum level, rated in one out of eight, with the exception of the seventh chakra, that was normal, rated in eight. In her case, the main chakra responsible for the bones is the second (Kidney), showed in the Figure 2. As this chakra was without energy, her bones were weak, but all the chakras have your importance, because one organ is responsible for sending energy to the following element or organ, as I demonstrated in the article written by me (2021) entitled Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies in Patient with Congestive Heart Failure (Figure 2).


Table 1: Five elements and the representation of the five internal massive organs


So, I prescribe to her the homeopathies medications indicated in the Table 1, according to the theory created by me (2020) entitled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements based on Traditional Chinese Medicine. The homeopathy medications were prescribed according to the following sequence:

Sulphur 30CHXX-20, Calcarea carbonica 30CHXX-20, Silicea 30CHXX-20, Natrum muriaticum 30CHXX-20, Phosphorus 30CHXX- 20. Each homeopathy medications were used once a month, in this sequence, with the interval between each other of one day. After 30 days, new sequence of medications was used but in 200CHXX- 20. After 30 days, new sequence of medications was used but in 1000CHXX-20. After 30 days, new sequence of medications was used but in 10.000CHXX-20. After 6 weeks, new sequence of medications was used but now in 50.000CHXX-20. After 8 weeks, new sequence of medications was used in 50.000 CHXX-20. The sequency of homeopathy medications at 50.000 CHXX-20 should be used every 8 weeks for the entire life.

The use of homeopathy medications should be used continuously for the entire life of the patient (and the cause of this energy deficient state will be discussed in the discussion section of this article). It was also used crystal-based medications to replenish the energy of the chakras’ energy centers and the names of each crystal used in this treatment will be shown in the discussion section.

Case Report 2

The second case report is a 70-year-old woman, who searched for me due to legs pain, but she also had leg vein problems and wrinkles. She had a small accident and in order not to fall on the floor, she leaned against the wall, but ended up fracturing her shoulder and discovered through exams that she also had osteoporosis. Her Chinese medicine’s diagnosis was Kidney Yang deficiency (fells cold in the extremities) and Blood deficiency (do not have daily bowel movements) and Heat retention (dry mouth, redness and itchiness in the skin).

To treat her energy alterations, the first step in her treatment was to orientate her about the foods that she should avoid using Chinese dietary counselling, the same recommendations used in the case report one. And also, I used the auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting and systemic acupuncture. The ear points used in her treatment was described in the Figure 1, the same used in the treatment of the first case report. Through the radiesthesia procedure, it was possible to evaluate her internal energy in the chakras’ energy centers, that corresponds to the energy of the five internal massive organs in traditional Chinese medicine.

Result of the Second Case Report

The results of the radiesthesia procedure were that her spiritual chakra (seventh chakra) was with the normal level of energy (rated in eight) with the remaining chakras’ energy centers, that corresponds to the five internal massive organs in the minimal level (rated in one out of eight). As in the first case, the second chakra that represents the Kidney were without energy, causing a weakness in the bone and development of osteoporosis.

So, I prescribed to her the same homeopathies medications according to the theory created by me (2020) entitled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and used also, crystal-based medications, showed in the Table 1. The sequence of medications used were well described in the first case report and I will not repeat again.


This study will be following Hippocrates (460 bce – 375 bce) oath, that said that “foolish the doctor who despises the knowledge acquire by the ancients” [3]. For this reason, I will be using the reasoning used by traditional Chinese medicine as said by Hippocrates (460 bce – 375 bce), that “we need to consider other ancient medical traditions prior to the knowledge we have nowadays” [4]. To explain the main differences between Western and traditional Chinese medicines, I usually use the metaphor of the tree (Figure 3) to show you the different perspectives between the two kinds of medicine in the diagnosis and treatment of diverse pathology and diseases [5] (Figure 3).


This tree has a trunk with several branches and each branch represents one medical specialty. Coming out of each branch there are many leaves that represents the symptoms and diseases treated by each medical specialty. So, the focus of Western medicine in the diagnosis and treatment is only the visible part of the tree (the branches and leaves). This situation was caused mainly after Flexner report implementation in 1910, where they changed all the medical curriculum in America, Canada and Europe and only consider scientific, what they can see by the naked eye [6].

But in this article, I will address the energy imbalances that are in the root level, invisible by the naked eye. This energy point of view is not studied by Western medicine and for this reason, all the whole way of thinking to understand how the diseases is formed since the beginning and not only after the energy is materialized, is the main idea that I will bring to you today in this article [5]. In the root of the tree, there are two theories in traditional Chinese medicine that rule all the things that is happening inside the human body [5]. These theories are Yin and Yang and Five Elements theory. They command all the functions of organs and systems that are in the leaf level and for this reason, to understand all the formation of diseases since their energy imbalances (in the root), this was of thinking is the main principle in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of all kinds of diseases nowadays [5].

The idea that the disease does not come like a “parachute” where you do not know from where it is coming from or it is there from it is own but not knowing exactly how it is formed until it is materialized, it is what I want to show you about the real gap that still need to be explained in all kinds of diseases formation in Western perspective. This kind of metaphor was explained by me in the 2nd International Conference on Orthopedics & Advanced Care , that was held on February 25 - 26, 2019 in Singapore [7,8].

The case that originated this way of thinking was originated when I treated one specific patient in 2006 and I will briefly tell you his history to you to understand all the way of thinking in all my treatments nowadays [5].

This patient was a 70-years-old male patient that was complaining of having leg pain with no improvement only using anti-inflammatory medications. He went to my clinic searching for another kind of treatment using Chinese medicines’ tools. His diagnosis in TCM was Kidney Yang deficiency (felling colder in the lower limbs and in the extremities) and was submitted to ten acupuncture sessions using auricular and systemic acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting. After this session, he returned to be reevaluated and said that he improved from his leg pain condition but also, he improved his intra-ocular pressure, that I was not aware that he was treating glaucoma, with no improvement only using eyes drops, for the last 40 years. From the first time of his life, his intra-ocular pressure went from 40 to 17 mmHg [9].

After this patient, I began to do my research in the treatment of all kinds of diseases using the root level treatment and not just treating the leaf level, either if I am using acupuncture for the treatment, you can have the leaf level results (treating only the symptoms) but you can have root level results also (treating the energy imbalances of Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood), as I had in this patients’ treatment [5]. This way of thinking was presented in the Acupuncture Research Conference, that was held in Harvard Medical School in Boston, in 2015, where the title of my presentation was “Acupuncture Viewed Holistically Can Treat All the Patient’s Symptoms at The Same Time Even the Doctor Does Not Know That the Patient Has Such Symptom” [9]. This unusual case became the cornerstone of all my studies in the field, trying to comprehend how the treatment focused on the root of the problem could treat different diseases and symptoms simultaneously and using the same methods [5]. According to Chinese wise men, everything in the world is ruled by the “measure of balance” understood as Yin and Yang, as you can see in the (Figure 4).


Inside the body, Yin is associated with organ tissue, while Yang is associated with organ function. With a Yin-deficiency, organs are deficient in nourishment, while a Yang-deficiency reflects a functional or performance deficiency in an organ or organ system [10]. For Yin and Yang energy to flow, two other energies have to work in harmony with it: Qi and Blood. Qi is basically the energy that circulates throughout your body. Qi moves the Blood, that means if Qi stays stagnant long enough, then the local body fluids that are supposed to be flowing begin to stagnate as well. This situation is occurring frequently nowadays, in all cases of thrombosis after COVID-19 vaccine, where all the alterations are in the energy level, that we cannot see by the naked eyes. As I showed in the article I wrote (2021) entitled Energy Alterations and Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to SARS-CoV-2 Infection, the majority of patients analized in my research were in the lowest level of energy, 5 years before the COVID-19 pandemic. This means that the majority of the populations that we have nowadays are considered immunesupressed and not immunecompetent. This way of thinking were published by me (2021) in the article Are We Vaccinating Ummunocompetent or Immunocompromised People for COVID-19? [5,11,12].

To achieve health, the main aim in the treatment of patients with osteoporosis is to balance these four energies Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood, as you can see in the Figure 5. These principles are used by me in all treatments nowadays, and using this kind of reasoning, we can treat many diseases using this same method, as I am showing in the article written by me (2019) entitled Is It Possible to Treat Community-acquired and Nosocomial Infectious with the Same Method, Without the Use of Antibiotics? [13] (Figure 5).


The lack of energy of one of these energies or a combination of deficiency among them can lead to the formation of internal Heat inside the body, as I am demonstrating in the (Figure 6) [14].

This internal Heat formation is responsible for a variety of clinical manifestation of emotional and physical problems such as anxiety, panic syndrome, schizophrenia, dermatitis, itchiness, diabetes, hypertension, cancer and among many other diseases [4,5,13-16].


The second theory that TCM use in all the reasoning is the Five Elements theory. The Chinese wise man were able to observe the characteristics from the nature and the relation between the five elements that are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. There is also this representation in the human body of these five elements and they correspond to the five internal massive organs, that are Liver, Heart Spleen, Lung and Kidney respectively. Each organ has the function of production one energy for the health of the patient and when these organs became ill, all the system can suffer because they all work in harmony and not separately, as advocate by Galen (ca.129 – ca.217), the medical doctor from Greece, that lived 500 years after Hippocrates (460 bce – 375 bce), that said that all organs and systems works independently and separately. For this reason, the medicine that we are using nowadays is following what Galen said at that time [14].

This way of thinking was very different from TCM reasoning, that said that all organs and systems are interconnected by energy and when one organ become ill, they can affect the functioning of the remaining organs because one organ depend on the other, as you can see in the generation cycle ( Figure 7) [14].


Each element serves as a “mother,” which promotes the growth and development of a “child” element [5]. In this theory, the internal massive organs (Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lung and Kidney) produce energy for external sensorial organ that each one commands. For example, the Kidney (second chakra) is responsible for the ear and hearing process, when the person is having hearing problems, the cause of this pathology could be in the Kidney (second chakra) and not in the ear. When the patient has eye problem, the symptoms is in the eyes, but the cause of this problem could be in the Liver (first chakra). When the patient has problems in communication, the cause of this symptoms could be in the Heart (third chakra), that is responsible for communication in TCM. When the patient has problems in the taste, this could be a problem in the Spleen (fifth chakra). When the patient has problems in the smell, the patient could have problems in the Lung (fourth chakra) [8].

The Kidney energy is the main organ that is affected when the patient has osteoporosis because the Kidney is responsible for the bones and teeth. But as I told you in the last paragraphs, the Kidney is not an organ that is working isolated. It receives energy from the Lung, but the Lung receives energy from the Spleen. The Spleen receives energy from the Heart, that receives energy from the Liver. The kidney is responsible for the bones and teeth, memory and concentration, sexual and reproduction function, youth and hearing process. As you can see in the Figure 7 of generation cycle, all the internal massive organs are interconnected, and one element depends on the other energy to work. In this case, I showed that all the internal massive organs energy was in the lowest level of energy, and to treat the Kidney, I need to treat all the other organs, because all of them were without any energy, demonstrated by the radiesthesia procedure [5].

In China, they usually measure the internal energy of the five massive organs using the pulse in the wrists, but I think this technic is not very easy to show scientifically, because every doctor has their experiences in measuring this kind of pulse and the results could be very different among the doctors, even measuring the same patient [5]

For this reason, I decided to use another way of measuring the energy of the internal massive organs using radiesthesia procedure. There are studies correlating the chakras’ energy centers with the internal five massive organs in traditional Chinese medicine, such as in the article written by Chase (2018) entitled The Geometry of Emotions: Using Chakra Acupuncture and 5-Phase Theory to Describe Personality Archetypes for Clinical Use, where he is correlating the chakras’ energy centers with the five internal massive organs in traditional Chinese medicine, as you can see in the (Figure 8) [17].

In the Figure 8, I am demonstrating that the first chakra corresponds to the Wood element, and it is represented by the Liver. The second chakra correspond to the Water element, and it is represented by the Kidney. The third chakra corresponds to the Fire element, and it corresponds to the Heart. The fourth chakra corresponds to the Metal element and corresponds to the Lung. The fifth chakra corresponds to the Earth element and corresponds to the Spleen. The sixth chakra corresponds to the memory and concentration and the Kidney is the organ that commands these functions, and the seventh chakra is the spiritual chakra, that is governed by the Liver energy [5,14]. According to TCM, the Kidney is responsible for the bones. When Kidney essence is plentiful, bone is also plentiful, and the skeleton is hard and strong. When Kidney essence is insufficient, the bones lose their fullness, and the skeleton falls ill [18].


The Kidney is the water viscus. Water failing to overcome Fire results in desiccation of the bone, this is an early description of the pathomechanism by which Kidney Yin vacuity leads to emptiness of bone [18]. There are two factors that can imbalance the internal energy of the five massive organs, as you can see in the (Table 1).

In this table, you can see that one element has an emotion that can balance or imbalance the organ that represent it [5]. In this case, the excessive worry can imbalance the Spleen and can lead to anemia, due to less absorption of nutrients when this meridian is imbalanced [14]. The excessive sadness can imbalance the Lung and there is a tendency to have pulmonary disorders such as tuberculosis for example. This situation was very common in the past, when we could see depressed writer writing books about their sadness and depressive state [5]. The excessive fear can induce Kidney energy deficiency and can lead to alterations in all functions that the Kidney commands, in this case, one of the organs that is commanded by the Kidney is the bone, as demonstrated in the article wrote by me (2021) entitled What is Behind Every Fracture We Need to Know? [19]

The emotion that can imbalance the Liver is the excessive angry and the emotion that can imbalance the Heart is the excessive joy [5]. All alterations in the organs can also produce the imbalanced emotions such as the Lung problems can generate sadness or grief [5] (Figure 9).


The second factor that can imbalance the internal energy of the five internal massive organs are the wrong eating habits. There is a specialty in Chinese medicine where they can treat all kinds of diseases only using alterations in the dietary aspect of the patient. This kind of treatment is based on the energy alteration of the patient (concerning the balance between Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood) and depending on the energy presented by each food (if Cold, Neutral, Warm or Hot). This kind of treatment is not made by Western medicine because they usually study the components of each food and not the energy aspects of the food. For this reason, there are some recommendations nowadays that can be healthy in the eye of Western medicine’s culture but can be wrong if we analyze the energy aspects of each food and the energy imbalances of each patient. For example, Western dietary orientations to reduce weight usually orientates the patient to eat more salad but in the Chinese dietary counseling, if the patient eat too much salad, it can induce Spleen and pancreas energy deficiency and cause retention of fluid inside the body and can cause increase in the weight and not reduction and weight loss [5].

The drinks that can induce Kidney energy deficient is the use of coffee, soft drinks and matte tea. But not only these kinds of drinks should be avoided by the patient with osteoporosis, but all the foods that can induce energy alterations in another organ should be used by the patients because on organ depends on the other and one is interconnected by the other by the energy and if the energy of one organ is altered, it can influence the health of the whole system [5]

In this case, the use of caw’s milk can cause osteoporosis, according to the five elements theory because can induce the Spleen and pancreas energy deficiency and can induce the weakness state of the Kidney in the Control cycle of the five elements, as demonstrated in the Figure 10. All these energy alterations generated by the ingestion of caw’s milk was described in the article written by me (2020) entitled Why Patients with Knee Pain Still Have Symptoms Despite the Use of Anti-inflammatory Medications [20] (Figure 10).


As said by Hippocrates, “made your food you medicine and your medicine your food” [3]. The second step used by me in all kinds of treatments was the use of auricular acupuncture, many times associating with apex ear bloodletting. This kind of procedure was made with the intention of balance the internal energy of the five internal massive organs, that are responsible for the formation of Yin and Yang (Kidney), the formation of Blood (Spleen), and distribution of the Qi (Liver and Lung), as you can see in the Figure 1. The ear is considered an inverted fetus where all the representation of the head is in the lower lobe of the ear and the representation of the lower limbs are in the upper part of the ear [21].

The medications used in the treatment was highly diluted medications, because the intention of this treatment is to replenish the internal energy of the organ that is responsible for the bone (Kidney) but according to Arndt Schultz Law (Figure 11), created by two German researchers in 1888 , the use of highly concentrated medications can harm the vital energy and can lead to dead and for this reason, I use only highly diluted medication in the treatment of these patients, to replenish these internal organs’ energy and in this way, to strength that bone again and all the organs that the Kidney commands such as the teeth, sexual function and the reproduction, as I showed in the article written by me (2020) entitled Chakra’s Energy Deficiency as the Main Cause of Infertility in Women and in another article also written by me (2020) entitled Why Patients with Knee Pain Still Have Symptoms Despite the Use of Anti-inflammatory Medications [20,22] (Figure 11).


In China, when the patient is suffering from energy deficiency in the internal organs, it is very common to prescribe Chinese herbs and they can improve from all conditions that is basing the energy of that organ. But as I told you, from 2015 to 2020, I did research demonstrating that 90% of the patients that I am attending in my clinic in Brazil, do not have any energy inside the internal five massive organs and for this reason, the energy of this population is very low [11] (Table 2).

Table 2: Results of the analysis of 1000 patients’ chakras’ energy centers.


You can see in the data showed in the Table 2, that these energy deficiencies is occurring in all age groups, including babies, children, adolescents, young adults, older patients. What they have in common is the complete lack of energy in the chakras’ energy centers, or in the internal five massive organs, showed in the Table 2 [11]. For this reason, the use of highly concentrated medications in this type of population will harm even more this vital energy, as showed in the Arndt Schultz law (Figure 11), due to the new energy pattern that the majority of the population is having, according to the study written by me (2021) entitled Energy Alterations and Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to SARS-CoV-2 Infection [11].

In 2015, I began to study homeopathy in Brazil, because of some difficulties to find Chinese herbs to treat my patients in my daily practice. I realized that homeopathy is a very good medication to treat all diseases nowadays, but the only problem that I fell was that homeopathy is not clearly understood the mechanism of action of diverse medications and for this reason, I start to write a new theory in homeopathy linking homeopathy created by Hahnneman (1755- 1843), in1796 with traditional Chinese medicine, that exists for more than 5000 years where all mechanism of diseases formation is very well described until today. This theory created by me (2020) is entitled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and it is used by me in all kinds of diseases treatment nowadays because all diseases come from the same root, that are the energy deficiencies in the five internal massive organs and also, the influences of the external pathogenic factors, also shown in this article Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine. The homeopathy medications used in the treatment of these two cases reports are shown in the (Table 3) [8].


Table 3: Homeopathy medications used in the treatment of the two cases reports.


The imbalance of the Kidney energy can be caused by different factors. The first factor will depend on the patient’s parents’ kidneyenergy, at the moment of the conception. If this energy was weak, the individual born of this union will already be born with weak Kidney energy [20].

The other factors that could inducing deficiency in the Kidney’s energy is the low intake of water (because water is considered one of the major sources of energy to the Kidney) and also the excessive work without appropriate rest (in traditional Chinese medicine, the people need to sleep eight hours per day, work eight hours per day and have eight hours per day of recreation). To reduce the lack of energy in the Kidney, it is important to do not waist the semen in ejaculation (because the energy of man is in the semen and when he loses semen during sexual intercourse, it will cause the advanced aging process and consequently can reduce the Kidney’s energy to protect the bones, necessary for the integrity of the bones [19,20].

The other factor that I need to say is that the Kidney is responsible for the formation of Yin and Yang energies, and the replenishment of these energies is performed during sleeping process. The Kidneys’ energy is responsible for the integrity of the bones and the ideal time to sleep is at 9 PM. When the patient has insomnia and cannot sleep accordingly, the Kidneys’ energy is not adequately stored and could cause weakness in this energy if the sleeping process is disturbed. The causes for insomnia were well written by me (2021) in the article entitled Why Insomnia Patients Do Not Sleep Even When Taking Sleep Inducers Medications? [23].

One of the most common signs of Kidney energy deficiency are dark circles underneath the eyes. Therefore, for a proper replacement of Kidney’s energy, the patient should have the habit of sleeping early, around 9 PM [23].

People with Kidney-Yang deficiency have a lack of energy to warm the body, that is why the patient was oriented to avoid all raw foods, because these foods have cold energy and can worse the energy condition of the patient. She was oriented to boil the water and avoid eating raw foods, even fruits and vegetables [20].

These foods cannot be heated in the microwave, nor in the airfryers, although several studies say that they do not cause problems, they indirectly cause cancer, it is not that the radiation from the micro-waves will cause the diseases, but it takes energy from food [20]. When the food goes to the microwave, it runs out of energy, so the person eats the food without energy and this food inside the body is not going to nourish the person, who gets weak and indirectly he will have the formation of cancer in the future because you are eating food without energy [20]. The air-fryer, although not fried, the mechanism is like a frying that also causes the formation of internal Heat because it uses the fat in the food, which increases the risk of several diseases [20].

The patient should eat foods to tone the Kidneys that are black foods – black raisins, black beans, with the exception of Coca-Cola and coffee [20]. It is important to emphasize that only with the change in diet and acupuncture it is not possible to rebalance the energies of the chakras, so it is necessary to make use of homeopathies according to the theory created by me (2020) entitled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, that must be given following the order of generation cycle of the Five elements theory. For example, if we start with the Natrum muriaticum to tone the Kidney that corresponds to the second chakra and is the responsible for the bones, the Kidney will send energy to the first chakra (Liver) then we must prescribe Phosphorus. After, we must tone the third chakra (Heart) with Sulphur, which sends energy to the fifth chakra (in this case we will prescribe Calcarea Carbonica). Lastly, the fifth chakra sends energy to the fourth chakra (Lung), that needs to be treated with Silicea, closing the cycle [8].

The treatment of osteoporosis by Western medicine usually uses exercises, intake of calcium (but there are some studies showing the incidence of myocardial infarction among people using calcium orally and there is no increase incidence of when this supplementation is by food), intake of vitamin D, and the use of high concentrated medications such as bisphosphonates; Denosumab; Raloxifene; Strontium; Teriparatide, among others that are in study such as Sclerostin (a glicoprotein inhibitor of osteoblast signaling) [24].

As it is possible to see in this article that the cause of the osteoporosis problem is the lack of energy in the Kidney, but the Kidney depends on the energy of other internal organs and one is connected to other and when the patients use any kind of highly concentrated medication, the vital energy will decrease even more. Therefore, the drug of choice to use in the treatment of patients with osteoporosis is the highly diluted medications instead of the use of high concentrate medications, as you can see in the Table 2, showing the pattern of energy that the population are having nowadays. The sample of pattern of energy that I showed in this study was done in Brazil, but I am generalizing this result to the whole population in this world because the cause of this energy deficiency in the population is the influences of the electromagnectic radiation that is affecting the whole population in all countries in this globe [11].

I would like to say that all the tools used in this article (homeopathy and acupuncture) are considered medical specialties by the Brazilian Federal Medical Council since 1980 and 1995, respectively. They should be considered by other countries and should be recognized as medical specialties because they are very important tools in the treatment of this new type of population that we are treating nowadays, different from the population that we had seven years ago, due to the influences of the electromagnetic radiation and the modernization of the telecommunication in the whole globe [25].

To finalize this article, I would like to show this metaphor between Yin and Yang Theory and correlating with Western and traditional Chinese medicine. ( Figure 12) In order to treat patients with osteoporosis in a deeper way, the physician has to comprehend the importance of the different medicine perspectives. The body, is not only physical and constituted by organs and tissues, it is formed by energy, as said by Albert Einstein (1879- 1955) that all the things that exists in our universe is composed by energy. Nowadays, these two kinds of medicines are separated, but they can be complementary. Traditional Chinese medicine can be considered as Yang energy (not visible by the naked eyes), and Western medicine is considered Yin energy, already materialized (visible by the naked eyes) (Figure 12) [5].


The conclusion of this study is that patients with osteoporosis have chakras’ energy deficiencies and the corrections of these energy deficiencies is important to treat the osteoporosis in the root level and not the just the symptoms. The integration of thoughts from Western and traditional Chinese medicine is very important to understand in the deepest level what is happening in our patients that are having these problems and the treatment should be holistically and not only looking at the alterations in the bone because the formation of osteoporosis is not a localized problem but the reflection of energy deficiencies systemically and the treatment needs to see the patients in the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects, that could be influencing the whole health of the person that is having osteoporosis at some point of it is life.

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