Monday, September 16, 2024

Iris Publishers-Open access Journal of Biology & Life Sciences | The Discovery of Human Magnetic Tropism


Authored by James T Struck*,


We all know from our botany classes that plants exhibit tropism. A plant will turn towards the Sun or magnetic fields will affect the growth of a plant. There is some evidence that tropism happens in humans as well with regard to the Magnetic Pole.


The Dutch and Norwegians are among the tallest group of homos sapiens [1] Many of the tallest nations are Montenegro, Germany, and countries like Slovenia and Croatia. A possible explanation for that increased height is proximity to the North Magnetic Pole.

“The north magnetic pole, also known as the magnetic north pole, is a point on the surface of Earth’s Northern Hemisphere at which the planet’s magnetic field points vertically downward (in other words, if a magnetic compass needle is allowed to rotate in three dimensions, it will point straight down). There is only one location where this occurs, near (but distinct from) the geographic north pole. The geomagnetic north pole is the northern antipodal pole of an ideal dipole model of the Earth’s magnetic field, which is the most closely fitting model of Earth’s actual magnetic field [2].

The top 5 groups of human nations in Bill Bostock’s list are Netherlands, Latvia, Estonia, Denmark, Czech Republic.” [2].


We conclude there exists possible tropism or growth towards the north magnetic pole among humans. Something else may be increasing growth and height among Europeans, but that topic is open to discussion like better diet and nutrition.

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