Monday, April 29, 2019

Iris Publishers - | Depression from Sadness to Melancolia - Journal of Neurology & Neuroscience- Iris Publishers


Depression from Sadness to Melancolia - Journal of Neurology & Neuroscience- Iris Publishers

Sometimes we have felt so sad and so disappointed for afew hours or days, situation that leads us to sleep badly, haveawakenings consists before, decreased appetite, easy crying,tiredness, attention deicit, grumpy, even wanting to “swallow theEarth” which is a small thought to “want to die”; These situations are normIn the mood swings we experience throughout the L day or ina few weeks, and that is recovering with the passage of time, thanksto the adjustment in your brain neurotransmitters experience, wehave already commented that they are chemicals in the brain thatallow to carry out the different phases of thought.

This series of symptoms or sensations We come from a series of external stimuli or characteristic experiences that all, absolutelyeveryone must go through once in our lives, as are the heartbreaks,both marital separation and the various breakups of courtship,The loss of A loved one, an economic bankruptcy, A robbery, ajob dismissal, anyway. The big problem lies in The Times, that is to say, when this series of situations are presented to the passageof a month, and that they become incapacitated for their work, fortheir family, for the life in general, this is when it goes from beinga moment of sadness to the moment of using the word sounding Depression.

And it is that depression does not respect age, sex, religion,social position or other variant of the human being; It has different presentations because in children we can see it with attention deicit, irritability, unsocial personality or avoids meetings, orkicker or let them hit in school; In adolescents with dificulties sleeping, either with lack or excess, sadness, easy crying, loss of daily habits; Or in elderly people with severe forgetfulness thatsimulates Alzheimer’s disease

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