Authored by Huang WL*,
Introduction: Chemotherapy is a drug developed to increase the survival of cancer patients, increasing the chances of treating and curing their diseases. However, recently I am facing so many cases of patients that have cancer diagnoses and were controlled but after using chemotherapy, cancer started to disseminate in the whole body. According to Arndt Schultz Law created in 1888 by two German researchers, the use of any kind of highly concentrated medication can harm vital energy and, in this case, chemotherapy is also considered a highly concentrated medication that would not cause a beneficial effect on these patients, because it was worsening the energy of them instead of improving it.
Purpose of this Study:The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that patients with cancer have internal massive organs energy deficient in energy and formation of internal Fire and this energy deficiency is responsible for cancer formation in any part of the body. The treatment using any kind of highly concentrated medication (in this case chemotherapy is considered highly concentrated medication) can reduce even more this energy, which is already very low, and increase the chance of having metastasis in this patient with cancer.
Methods:one case report of 68 years-old male patients with a history of colon cancer that was diagnosed in 2018 through a proctosigmoidoscopy exam, after having an alteration in the color of the stools. He took out the tumor through laparoscopy surgery and after this procedure, he was submitted to chemotherapy. Before the chemotherapy, the patient did not have any metastasis diagnosed through a pet scan or magnetic resonance.
Results: After beginning this treatment, it was found one metastasis in the mediastinum and one in each Lung. The metastasis was increasing in size (2mm every 2 months), even using chemotherapy. The patient went to my clinic to be evaluated from an energy point of view, using the radiesthesia procedure. All his internal massive organs (Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lungs, and Kidney) were in the lowest level of energy, rated one out of eight, and the treatment of this condition consisted in using Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting, systemic acupuncture, moxibustion, and replenishing them using highly diluted medications according to the theory Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal-based medications. The patient is still in treatment and the result of this treatment if the metastasis can reduce with this kind of therapy cannot be evaluated because the patient did not repeat the exams after beginning this kind of therapy until the end of this article.
Conclusion: The conclusion of this study is to demonstrate that chemotherapy drugs can reduce the vital energy of cancer patients and can increase the chance to have metastasis in patients with cancer. The treatment of this weak state condition can improve the vital energy and can reduce the metastasis of cancer patients using “natural forces within the patients that are the true healers of the disease”, according to Hippocrates (460 bce - 375 bce), the father of medicine.
Keywords:Chemotherapy; Metastasis; Energy; Traditional Chinese medicine; Homeopathy; Hippocrates
Chemotherapy is an effective treatment for different types of cancer, but it has not been as efficient in the eradication of cancer cells as expected. [1] The mechanism of why it is not working in it is entire efficiency is not well understood yet by Western medicine’s physicians. [1] The main goal of chemotherapy is to inhibit tumor multiplication and cell proliferation and has the intention to avoid the metastasis and invasion of cancer cells. [2] In this article, I will show the other point of view of cancer formation, from the energy perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, that exists for more than 5000 years and following Hippocrates (460 bce - 375 bce) thoughts, that said: “Foolish the doctor who despises the knowledge acquired by the ancients” [3].
The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that chemotherapy can have the potential to induce metastasis in patients in the treatment of cancer without metastasis before using this kind of approach in their treatment because it is reducing the vital energy of the patient that is already very low at the moment of a cancer diagnosis. This vital energy is important to eliminate the formation of malignant cells that our body produces every day and the reduction of these energies, will cause an increased propensity to have metastasis or other cancers.
Through one case report of a 68-years-old male patient in the treatment of colon cancer diagnosed in 2018. He is a medical doctor working in the USA for the last 40 years but he was born and raised in Brazil. One day, he felt that his stomach was not normal. He had acute diarrhea with a slight difference in the color of the stools (dark brown). Normally his stools are brown. His doctor scheduled a colonoscopy and detected colon cancer. The surgery was scheduled for two days after the diagnosis and the rest of the body was completely normal, without metastasis. The doctor scheduled to begin chemotherapy 30 days after the surgery to heal properly and during this period, he started to end his professional life because when the doctor is in his daily life, he cannot be sick. According to his words, “the doctor should be 24 hours, seven days a week”. He decided to pass all his patients to his colleague, he found another job for his secretary to not be unemployed and he decided to close everything. He canceled his medical insurance and did the surgery when they removed the entire tumor and did the anastomosis. His recovery was extremely fast in three days and one week later, he started to walk. Before chemotherapy, he had no tumor that was controlled by tomography every three months and there is no metastasis nowhere and he had no symptoms. He has also submitted a new colonoscopy in October or November 2018 and nothing was found. After starting chemotherapy for six months, he started a lack of taste and the neuropathy symptoms started with tingling sensations in both hands and feet four months after beginning the use of chemotherapy. The sensation is like he is getting a shock in his fingers and pain like having needles in the hand. He stopped playing the piano because the pressure sensation was transmitted probably at the “brain level”, and it was interpreted as a needle pain as if there was a needle entering the finger, and interesting is that according to the words that happened to him, the neuropathy continues to get worse even after suspending the chemotherapy medications. He took chemotherapy every fifteen days for six months. He also had nausea that started after the first chemotherapy which was controlled using intravenous medication. Eight percent of his hair fall out and also the eyelashes, pubic hair and leg were clean of hair and became very thin. He also had weight loss and change his taste. He could not tolerate ingesting water and he was able to drink tea or Gatorade. The food did not have an interesting request. The only food he could eat was a soup made by his wife. Normally his weight was 85-90 kilos and he reach less than 60 kilos. By eating soup, it was possible to recover the taste after chemotherapy. But even after stopping chemotherapy, the neuropathy continues in the same way and he thought that it could be another reason for that symptom and the feeling of shock in the fingers still remains.
In his past history before the colon cancer diagnosis, he had basically a vegetarian diet, and sometimes he eats chicken for the last 6 or 10 years, he has been avoiding eating red meat. Sometimes he eats a hamburger but normally is only chicken, normally at dinner but sometimes he eats at the hospital at lunchtime. In the hospital, the lunch consisted basically of raw salad formed of lettuce, carrots, and cranberry. It has also raisins and mustard sauce and a can of diet Coke in the meal. For breakfast, he normally drinks coffee and eats bread with strawberry jam and sometimes an omelet. For the dinner, he usually eats canned soup of tomato, mushroom, pea soup, and sometimes chicken in the oven or salmon with rice but usually, he does not have time even to eat well. Sometimes he eats pasta and usually cooks at home (ramen) only using water and oil. He does not drink water too much and usually; the water has a Cold temperature. He does not drink alcoholic beverages and started to drink beer in Brazil. His mother had diabetes and passed away in 2001 more or less. His father had a stroke and lived 101 years and passed away in 2011.
In 2021, another chemotherapy was used, and pulmonary metastasis appeared six to eight months after. It was performed CT and found two lymph nodules in the mediastinum, one above the heart and the second near the great vessels and trachea. A biopsy was performed, and it confirmed metastasis. The pet scam was positive even using chemotherapy but instead of one specific chemotherapy, they used another drug called Avastin and the floracil continues. Before the surgery, the CA was 3,7 and after the surgery, it dropped to 2,1. When the lung metastasis appeared again, the CA started to increase again. His lung metastasis is increasing gradually, from one exam to another, it increases two millimeters in diameter and there are three or four lesions in the lung. In the other pulmonary globules, upper and lower fifth, here too and I think the middle one has nothing in the right lung. The neuropathy also caused muscle weakness, more importantly, and this causes a loss of sensitivity from the beginning, in the position of the leg. If he tries to blink, he does not know where his foot is, so it is very easy for him to walk into a room and tap his foot on a chair or anything if he is not looking. He has to be looking where he is stepping, if he closes his eye he falls and he also loses because of the perception itself, if he did not have it if he closes his eye and he is standing he will fall, he has no perception of the steps. All these symptoms appeared at the end of chemotherapy in 2021, it freaked out a little bit but it did not stabilize. He decided to move to Brazil, and he went to my clinic following his daughter-in-law’s recommendation. In his physical examination what I found different was a pulse in the wrists hard like a cord. The meaning of this alteration in the physical exam I will explain in the discussion section.
I measured his internal five massive organs’ energy and found that all his internal massive organs were in the lowest level of energy, rated one out of eight in all organs. I started Chinese dietary orientations, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting, and systemic acupuncture to regulate his Yin, Yang, Qi, and Blood production and take out the internal Fire (that is one of the energy imbalances presented in cancer formation) and also, prescribe the use of highly diluted medications according to the theory Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal-based medications. The homeopathy medications used were Sulphur, Calcarea carbonica, Silicea, Natrum muriaticum, and Phosphorus. They will be shown in the discussion section.
The treatment of cancer patients includes the use of surgery, radiation, and medications called chemotherapy that has the intention to stop the uncontrollable division of cancer cells. [4] In this article, I will show the different viewpoints between Western and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and what Western medicine is focusing in its treatment of patients with cancer, and what could be happening in a patient when they are submitted to chemotherapy drugs used in the energy point of view. [5] I usually use the tree metaphor to show the main differences between Western medicines and traditional Chinese medicine, showed in Figure 1 [6].

In this tree, I am showing that this tree has two parts, the part below the earth and the part under the earth. The part below the earth is what Western medicine is focusing on in their treatment (which I am showing the trunk with several branches and the leaves coming out of each branch). In this metaphor, the branch means one medical specialty, and the leaves mean the symptom and diseases treated by each medical specialty. In the case of cancer, the branch that is responsible for the treatment of cancer is the oncology specialty, and the treatment of each cancer is focusing on the treatment of cancer itself at the leaf level of the tree [7]. In traditional Chinese medicine, all kinds of manifestations of disease such as emotional or physical symptoms have the cause at the root of the tree and it is not in the local clinical manifestation of disease. To you understand what I want to say, is that, for example, when the patient has asthma symptoms, the real cause of the problem is not in the Lung according to TCM, but it is in the Kidney, as I am showing in the article written by myself (2018) entitled The Treatment of Asthma Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and Homeopathy [8]. All this reasoning began in 2006 when I treated one patient that was treating pain in the legs for the last 6 months without improvement in his condition only using anti-inflammatory medications. He went to my clinic to search for another type of treatment and his Chinese diagnosis (in the root level of the tree was Kidney Yang deficiency). I treated his energy imbalances in the root of the tree and he improved from his leg pain but also, for another problem that I was not aware that he had. He was treating glaucoma and it was not improving his intra-ocular pressure only using eye drops. For the first time in his life, his intra-ocular pressure reduced from 40 to 17 mmHg and this case became the cornerstone of all my treatment, focusing to treat the energy imbalances in the root and not only treating the symptoms [6, 7].
At the root of the tree, there are two theories in traditional Chinese medicine, as I am showing in Figure 1. The first is the Yin and Yang theory and the second is the Five Elements theory. [9] Yin and Yang are two energy that exists in our universe and also inside the human body, as you can see in Figure 2 [9].

There is a necessity to have a balance between these two energies and the imbalances between them can induce the development of disease, as you can see in Figure 3 [10].
One of the causes of cancer formation can be de disequilibrium between these two energies, as I am showing in my presentation at the Global Summit on Nephrology, Urology, and Kidney Transplantation, which was held in June 15, 2022. In a presentation entitled Malignance Cell Grade Regression in Patients with Prostate Cancer Caused by Imbalances of Yin and Yang Energy, I presented one case of 56 years-old male patient with a history of using psychotropic medication for 18 years for the treatment of anxiety, depression, and panic syndrome. His urologist made the diagnosis of prostate cancer in December 2021, and he was submitted to surgery to take out the prostate one month after the diagnosis. During this period (between the diagnosis and treatment), he was submitted to acupuncture sessions to try to balance all his internal energy (that is the cause of all disease formation in traditional Chinese medicine). His Chinese medicine diagnosis was Kidney Yang deficiency (because he was feeling Cold in his lower limbs) and in his treatment, it was used Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting, systemic acupuncture, and moxibustion. It also used highly diluted medications to replenish the energy of the internal five massive organs (Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lungs, and Kidney) because all his organs were in the lowest level of energy, rated one out of eight, according to the theory written by myself (2020) entitled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal-based medications [6, 11]. This low energy pattern in the five internal massive organs is common in all kinds of cancer, as I am showing in the article written myself (2020) entitled The Importance of Treating Energy Imbalances and Chakras Replenishment for Prevention and Treatment of Cancer. Cancer development is considered the last stage of evolution from health to disease formation (phase 5) where the first three phases the patient have symptoms, but the laboratory exams are normal, as I am showing in Table 1 [5] .

Table 1: Progression from health to disease.

In this Table 1, I am showing that Western medicine is doing diagnosis in phases 4 and 5 of disease formation (where the laboratory exams are having some alterations) but in the first three phases, the patient has an alteration in the energy level, but the laboratory exams are normal. [12] According to traditional Chinese medicine’s reasoning, cancer is formed when the patient has energy deficiency and formation of internal Fire, as I am showing in the article written by myself (2021) entitled How Can We Give Hope for Cancer Patients to Cure This Disease? and also in another article written by myself (2021) entitled What Are the Markers That Predict the Development of Having Cancer in the Future Without Laboratory or Radiological Tests? [12-13] In research that I did in my clinic in Brazil from 2015 to 2020, I analyzed 1000 patient’s internal five massive organs energy (Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lungs, and Kidney), and what I found in this study is that 90% of all my patients were in the lowest level of energy, rated one out of eight in all internal organs, as I am showing in Table 2 [14].
Table 2:Research demonstrates that 90% of 1000 patients analyzed from 2015 to 2020 were in the lowest level of energy in the Five internal massive organs (number 1- Liver; number 2- Kidney; number 3- Heart; number 4- Lungs; number 5-Spleen; number 6- memory and concentration; number 7-spirituality)..

The meaning of this result was that the majority of patients were in the lowest level of energy, independent of the age group and independent of the diagnosis. Each organ is responsible for the formation of one internal energy, as you can see in Figure 4 [15].

The second theory at the root of the tree is the Five Elements theory. In this theory, traditional Chinese medicine understands that all organs and systems are interconnected by energy flow, as you can see in Figure 5. The five elements correspond to the five internal massive organs and one organ is interconnected to the following element, as you can see in the generation Cycle shown in Figure 5 [16].

Table 3:Five elements and the organs and the external sensorial organs that each one is responsible for and the function and tissue that they command.

This kind of thought is very different from the Western medicine perspective because modern medicine understands that all organs and systems work independently and separately, as stated by Galen (129 d.C. - 216 d.C), a Greek physician, whose Western medicine is basing all reasoning and thoughts. [9] In the Five Elements theory, one organ is responsible for one external sensorial organ (and one organ is responsible for the production of Yin, Yang, Qi, and Blood, as I am showing in Figure 4, Table 3, and Figure 6). [17] The function of each element in the Five Element theory is shown in Table 3 [15].
In the article written by myself (2020) entitled The Importance of Treating Energy Imbalances and Chakras Replenishment for Prevention and Treatment of Cancer, I am showing three case reports and the last case was a 42 years-old male patient with a history of Lung cancer who was using chemotherapy and surgery (to take out metastasis in the central nervous system). The patient was using chemotherapy and the metastasis was reducing in size but usually other sites of metastasis appeared in another organ. This patient reduced dramatically his metastasis after being submitted to Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting, and replenishment of the internal five massive organs energy using highly diluted medications according to the theory written by myself (2020) entitled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystalbased medications. Through this case, we can see that the use of chemotherapy alone can reduce the tumor but when you associate the regulation of internal energy of Yin, Yang, Qi, and Blood and replenish the internal massive organs using highly diluted medications according to the theory Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal-based medications, you will improve the immune system of the patient that will fight against the formation of new malignant cells because every day, our body produces these malignant cells but when our body is strong and the internal energy is good, these malignant cells will be eliminated from the body and the tumor will not grow, as occurred in this patient reported in this article [5]. Another interesting case was the patient who also reported in this article, that she had the diagnosis with thyroid cancer in 2018 (three malignant tumors of 14,5 centimeters the large one) and after the patient was submitted to Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting and systemic acupuncture and also, intaking the highly diluted medications according to the theory Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, the three tumors disappeared completely and the large one becomes 4,5 centimeters (that was 14,5 centimeters) at the beginning of the diagnosis. She did not need to take out the malignant tumor anymore in her neck because during the surgery after two months of Chinese medicine treatment, the frozen biopsy showed that the malignant tumor became benign, and the patient was cured of the cancer condition without the need to do any kind of surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy. In this case, we can see that even without using any kind of chemotherapy, surgery, or radiotherapy, it is possible to treat the malignant cells only using our internal energy. As said by Hippocrates (c. 460 bce - c. 375 bce), natural forces within us are the true healers of the disease” [5].

The third case in that article was a patient with a diagnosis of cell alteration in the pap cervical cell exams grade IV and after receiving orientations in the dietary aspects, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting, and intaking homeopathy medications according to the theory of Constitutional Homeopathy of Five Elements Based on traditional Chinese medicine, all the patient’s alterations disappeared completely in the pap smell exam in one month of treatment. In this case, I am reinforcing the thought of Hippocrates (c. 460 bce - c. 375 bce), which said, “we need to treat the patient and not the disease”. When we use chemotherapy, we are treating only the disease but the same drug used to “kill” the malignancy is the same drug that is inducing energy deficiency inside the body, weakening the internal energy that is responsible for our immune system, as I am showing in the article Are We Vaccinating Immunocompetent or Immunocompromised People for COVID-19? [18-19] In all these cases, the patient has in common energy deficiency in the five internal five massive organs according to traditional Chinese medicine and formation of internal Fire and the treatment rebalancing the internal energy o Yin, Yang, Qi, and Blood and taking out the Heat through the use of apex ear bloodletting were important to treat the energy disharmony that was causing the cancer formation and only using these tools, it was enough to treat the alteration in the cellular lesion, without using chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery. In all these examples, I am showing that the immune system of the patient needs to be strong to fight against the growth of cancer cells, and to have the immune system intact, we need to avoid the use of all kinds of medications that could harm even more this vital energy, that was proofed very low in all these patients, as I am showing in Figure 7. Chemotherapy medications are considered highly concentrated medications and according to Arndt Schultz Law, can reduce vital energy and can reduce the immune system of patients with cancer, which is proven very low in all cases reported in these articles, and was the cause of the formation of cancer in any part of the body, according to traditional Chinese medicine [6, 9].
In this Figure 7, I am showing the Arndt Schultz Law created in 1888 by two German researchers. In this law, they said that the use of any kind of highly concentrated medication would reduce the vital energy and, in this case, all cancer patients have in the background an important energy deficiency that leads them to develop cancer. In this case, the use of any kind of highly concentrated medication (including chemotherapy) would reduce the vital energy and reduce the immune system of the patient, which was already very low, and would increase the chance of having any kind of metastasis, as I am showing in this case reported in this article, where the patient has colon cancer and developed metastasis in the mediastinum and in both Lungs 6 months after receiving chemotherapy. This occurred due to the reduction of vital energy, which was also important to control the dissemination of cancer cells inside the body [20]. In this case, the use of chemotherapy, besides being used to treat or control cancer cells growth, is considered a highly concentrated medication and for this reason, it was given to control the cancer formation but also, has the possibility of inducing the dissemination of metastasis of cancer, inducing the reduction in the vital energy, weakening the immune system of the patient. In this article, you can see that I did not mention the substance used in the chemotherapy because all of them are considered highly concentrated medications, and all have the same energy imbalances property of lowering the vital energy, independently of the type of chemotherapy used in the treatment of this patient [21]. Not only chemotherapy medications can induce metastasis in patients with cancer but all kinds of highly concentrated medications can induce the formation of metastasis because any kind of highly concentrated medications can reduce vital energy. In the case of this patient reported in this article, he was medicated with injected medication to control nausea (that was also considered highly concentrated medications) and it could reduce the vital energy and worsen the vital energy of this patient and weaken the immune system, inducing more predisposition to have metastasis. For this reason, the use of highly diluted medications such as homeopathic remedies according to Hahnemann (1755 – 1843), thoughts, is very important nowadays, to increase the vital energy and improve our immune system and also, to tone the energy of the five internal massive organs using the theory written by myself (2020) entitled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine [18].

The fall in the hair shown by the patient after receiving chemotherapy was caused by the drop in the vital energy in the internal five massive organs. In Table 3, you can see that hair and skin are governed by the Lung’s energy. But Lungs receive energy from the Spleen (which was proven very low) and Spleen receives energy from the Heart, which was already low in energy. The heart receives energy from the Liver (which was also without energy) and the Liver receives energy from the Kidney, which also was very weak in energy, showed in the generation cycle in Figure 5 [6, 9].
The alterations in taste that the patient reported in this article presented after receiving chemotherapy were also caused by this fall in vital energy of the five internal massive organs. You can see in Table 3 that the sense of taste is governed by the Spleen energy or fifth chakra (which was proved very low and worsened the condition after receiving chemotherapy medications) [22]. He has the sensation of do not want to ingest water because he has a habit of eating raw vegetables and this kind of habit can induce Spleen and pancreas energy deficiency, which can cause liquid retention inside the body. For this reason, he does not have the desire to drink water because the body is already full of fluid [6]. In an article written by Donalds (2004) entitled Nutrition and cancer: A review of the evidence for an anti-cancer diet, he is saying that the ingestion of abundant portions of vegetables and fruits will lower the risk of cancer [23]. But what we can see regarding the eating habits of the patient is that even though he has the habit of ingestion raw food and intaking much amounts of vegetables in the hospital at lunchtime, he developed cancer, In this case, Western medicine is only looking at the components of the food in relation to fibers, carbs, proteins, and lipids but according to Chinese dietary counseling, this patient worsened his energy imbalances of Yang energy deficiency (felling Colder in his feet) because all raw foods are considered having cold energy and worsened with the ingestion of this kind of food, reducing the immune system instead of improving it. In his case, it was orientated him to avoid raw food to increase the Yang energy to try to balance the two energies of Yin and Yang again [6, 8].
The ingestion of soft drinks (especially in diet form) and coffee, is causing a reduction in the energy of the Kidney, responsible for the formation of Yin and Yang energy. If the Kidney is deficient, the production of Yin and Yang energy will be reduced and the balance state between Yin, Yang, Qi, and Blood will be compromised and lead to more propensity of any kind of disease, in this case, leading to an increase chance to have cancer after years of chronic ingestion due to this energy reduction and increase the chance to have metastasis [5, 6]. All kinds of materials that reduce the vital energy of the patient should be used with precaution as in this case, the use of metallic implants in the body can also reduce the vital energy of the patient and lead to a low immune system, increasing the chance to have any kind of metastasis [24]. In the case of this patient-reported in this article, his pulse was hard like a cord and this means that he was feeling angry and this feeling was one of the causes of metastasis formation according to traditional Chinese medicine’s reasoning, increasing the Liver Fire and inducing the formation of “smoke”, leading to metastasis formation according to the thoughts of TCM [25]. So, in the case of a patient in use of any type of chemotherapy, it is important to associate the treatment rebalancing the internal energy and replenishing it with highly diluted medications according to the theory Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine using Phosphorus to treat Liver, Sulphur to treat Heart, Calcarea carbonica to treat Spleen, Silicea to treat Lungs and Natrum muriaticum to treat Kidney, as I am showing in Table 4 [17] .
Table 4:Homeopathy medications and the internal massive organs that they are treating.

To understand why chemotherapy can induce the formation of metastasis in patients with cancer, we need to integrate Chinese medicine with Western medicine, as the Yin and Yang metaphor, shown in Figure 8 [6].

In Brazil, both tools used to increase and balance internal energy (acupuncture and homeopathy medications) and considered medical specialties by the Federal Medical Council since 1995 and 1980, respectively, and they are considered very important tools to be used in the treatment of this new type of population that we have nowadays, considered very low in the energy pattern, as showed in Table 2 [24].
The conclusion of this study is that patients with cancer can have more propensity to have metastasis when using any kind of highly concentrated medication and in this case, the use of chemotherapy is also considered a highly concentrated medication that can reduce the vital energy and lead to low energy state, leading to an immune deficiency state, increasing the chance to have metastasis. More studies in this field need to be done using highly diluted chemotherapy medications or using the tools used in this article, changing the dietary aspects according to the energy imbalances of each patient, regulating the Yin, Yang, Qi, and Blood production, and replenishing the energy of the five internal massive organs using highly diluted medications according to the theory created by myself (2020) entitled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine.
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