Friday, July 5, 2024

Iris Publishers-Open access Journal of Biology & Life Sciences | Species Originate Based on Isolation and Different Ancestors- An Answer to the Work of Charles Darwin in Origin of Species on the Basis of Natural Selection


Authored by James T Struck*,


The fittest species do not necessarily survive. Natural selection does not necessarily favor fitness; problematic traits can survive for random reasons. A species that is unfit can survive if it has adequate protection or is left alone enough. Being left alone by other species can be just as important as fitness or the ability of a species to survive environment, weather, conditions.

Galapagos Giant Tortoises went extinct tied to interaction with humans. Dodos, passenger pigeons, Mexican grizzlies, imperial woodpeckers, white tigers, and a number of other species are extinct because of human processes.

Speciation can be linked to the isolation of species. The coelacanth survived species loss and destruction as the coelecanth was rediscovered in 1933 and more recently due to its ability to evade damage and harm by humans and other species. Isolation of species from harbor seals avoiding seal hunts to whales avoiding whale hunts maintain their harbor seal and whale populations based on the isolation of the species. A mule deer, white tailed deer, caribou can survive more likely if it is able to be isolated from predators. Mastodon, Irish Elk, Woolly Mammoth that faced threats from other competitors did not survive as they were not able to maintain their isolation from fitness tests. Species do not survive based on natural selection, but rather based on isolation, separation, being left alone.

Rather than being linked to survival tests or survival of the fittest that Charles Robert Darwin’s On the Origin of Species is linked to; isolation of species is the reason for the survival of the finches described in On the Origin of Species.

Discussion of Dinosaur Species

Look at species like brontosaurus, armor plated dinosaurs, diplodocus, tyrannosaurus, stegosaurus, and ichthyosaurus. The newest gigantic dinosaur of the titanosaurus group called Maximo survived, because it was able to avoid conflict and survival tests. Too many fitness tests like flooding in the middle of the United States and 63 million year ago asteroid strikes can be linked to extinctions of many dinosaur species. Say an ichthyosaurus mates with a plesiosaur. We are likely to have a species creation event. Rather than the common ancestor theory of Darwin, we can still postulate that species have different ancestors as the different species are different. Darwin’s entire theory of gradual development of species can be argued against as sudden new species creation is possible. An elephant species like the African Elephant or Indian elephant is cut off from other elephants and one can see a sudden evolution event rather than a gradual evolution event.

Wedgwood Corruption?

Although Charles Darwin was tied to Emma Wedgwood through an 1839 marriage of Wedgewood and Darwin, the theories of Darwin have not really been discussed as linked to propaganda for the Wedgwood china company. Albert Russell Wallace, Lamarck and others had already developed evolution concepts. Darwin looks important so the Wedgwood company also looks important.

The great British Empire and its largest city in the world London look important as their citizens invent wonderful new theories that enlighten us. Hence the reason to pledge allegiance to Queen Victoria and Prince Albert and their adventures. Darwin is wonderful and therefore the British Empire and its claims on the Falklands, South African, Nigeria, Kenya, India, Canada, and other colonies should stand. Darwin is part of an attempt by persons of the British empire to maintain British dominance or hegemony over its colonies. Pierre Monet who took the name Chevalier Lamarck presented the effort or life work gives rise to evolution idea. Lamarckian evolution can be seen to as an effort by another citizen of a different region, the French empire, empire to show its importance or reason to maintain hegemony over its colonies. Here I want to show that species do not originate due to common ancestors or survival of the fittest, but due to their isolation and the interaction of species with different ancestors. We could have different ancestors. We do not have to see one common ancestors, but due to the diversity of life, we can have more than one ancestor. Different species like gigantic Maximo which I named Archerosuarus due its arch in its fore legs are not common or identical with species like stegosaurus or blue jays. The different species are different as they do not have the same ancestor necessarily. Different ancestors for different species are possible. Once a mating has happened between different ancestors and isolation is created, then sometimes a new species can be created.

Let us take a look at ants. I used to play with black ants in our backyard imaginig how do the ants behave much like Harvard’s ecologist EO Wilson. Look at the appearance of a black ant and its many legs and then look at species like lobster with its clasping tentacles and shell and then a species like a flounder and then a species like a whale and then a species like a seal like an example of Hoover talking somewhat like a human. The species are different, their isolation in ecosystems are real, and speciation is the result of interaction between different species. A cross between a lion and a tiger produces a liger or ligre because there is interaction of different ancestors. Common ancestor theory can be argued against as there is much diversity in animal life diversity. In fact, there is so much diversity in species of insects, arthropods, gastropods, animals, birds, fish, invertebrates, dinosaurs, trilobites, Mollusca, bacteria, virus, protists, plants, and protozoa that we do not need to have one common ancestor.


We do not need common ancestors and we do not need survival of the fittest to explain a speciation event. Someone tries to put a condominium, road, housing, buildings, construction on the Galapagos islands and the Galapagos finches have ended or will end like the Galapagos Giant tortoises. Isolation is a key to speciation. Different ancestors can be a key to speciation. Charles Robert Darwin can be disputed and argued against just like arguing against the creation mythology of any religious text. Evolution can be argued about as we do not have pictures or photos of how the 6th finger of the panda or the panda’s thumb got started. Darwin’s On the Origin of Species on the Basis of Natural Selection shows Darwin’s theological training at Cambridge University with a degree in theology. Darwin’s work is as religious as the arguments of Wilberforce a Bishop his Darwinian evolutionary system had great debates against. Wilberforce a Bishop did the right thing to argue against Darwin. Arguing about Darwin is normal as Darwin made a trip in HMS Beagle to a few sites in the Pacific Ocean. Darwin’s sample size is miniscule in comparison to the work of biologists like Jacques Cousteau in the oceans or EO Wilson with ants or other scientists like Jane Goodall working with apes or the average zoo working with their species. Your average zookeeper actually spends more time with varied animals than Darwin spent on his HMS Beagle voyage. A trip by a theology graduate of Cambridge University on boat in the 1800’s is not a reason to accept the theories of Darwin. A book The Origin of Species from 1851 is similar to relying on a book like Henry David Thoreau’s Walden or Harriett Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin. These are works of literature from the 19th century where much has happened since then. Punctuated evolution was discovered since then. We can question the scientific value of points like fitness tests between species. Species are not created by fitness tests. Sometimes species like DODO’s end related to species competition.

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