Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Iris Publishers FAQs: Expert Answers to Common Publishing Questions


Q: What are the Manuscript Guidelines in Open Access Journal Publishers?

A: For authors submitting to open-access journals like Iris Publishers, adhering to manuscript guidelines is crucial for maintaining the integrity and quality of published research. Here's a summary of key points based on typical open-access publisher requirements:

  1. Originality and Authenticity: Manuscripts must be original, presenting unique research results or data that have not been published elsewhere. Authors should ensure that their work is genuinely their own and has not been previously disseminated in any form.
  2. Proper Citation: Any use of previously published work should be properly cited to acknowledge the original authors and sources. This includes any data, ideas, or textual content that is not original to the manuscript.
  3. Simultaneous Submissions: Authors should avoid submitting the same manuscript to multiple journals at the same time. Simultaneous submissions can create conflicts over publication rights and can complicate the peer review process.
  4. Avoiding Plagiarism and Intellectual Property Theft: Plagiarism and intellectual property theft are serious breaches of ethical standards. Authors should not present others' work as their own and should obtain permission to use any external data or information.
  5. Ethical Compliance: Manuscripts should reflect high ethical standards in research, ensuring that all data is verifiable and the research complies with relevant ethical guidelines.

By following these guidelines, authors contribute to the rigorous standards expected in scholarly publishing and help maintain the credibility and quality of research published by Iris Publishers and other open-access platforms.

Q: What is the Peer Review Process at Iris Publishers?

A: The Peer Review Process at Iris Publishers, as with many open-access journal publishers, is designed to uphold the quality and integrity of the research they publish. Here's an overview of how this process typically unfolds:

  1. Initial Assessment: Once a manuscript is submitted, the editorial team conducts an initial assessment. This step involves checking whether the manuscript falls within the journal's scope and adheres to its submission guidelines. Manuscripts that do not meet these basic criteria are often rejected at this stage.
  2. Expert Review: Manuscripts that pass the initial assessment are then forwarded to expert reviewers in the relevant field. These reviewers are tasked with evaluating the manuscript on several fronts:
    • Originality: The reviewers check if the research presents new and unique findings.
    • Validity: They assess whether the research methods and analyses are sound and appropriate.
    • Significance: They evaluate the importance and impact of the research within its field.

Reviewers provide detailed feedback and may recommend various actions such as acceptance, revision, or rejection of the manuscript.

  1. Double-Blind Review: The review process is typically double-blind. This means that the identities of both the authors and the reviewers are kept anonymous. This anonymity helps to ensure that the review process is unbiased and impartial.
  2. Editorial Decision: After receiving feedback from the reviewers, the editor makes a final decision regarding the manuscript. The editor considers the reviewers' comments and recommendations when making this decision. The possible outcomes include acceptance, request for revisions (minor or major), or rejection.
  3. Finalization: If revisions are requested, the authors are given an opportunity to address the reviewers' concerns and resubmit the manuscript. The revised manuscript may undergo further review before a final decision is made.

This rigorous peer review process is essential for maintaining the scholarly quality of the content published by Iris Publishers. It helps ensure that only well-researched, high-quality studies are disseminated to the academic community and the public.

Q: What is Open Access Publishing?

A: Open access publishing enables free access to academic research, authorizing individuals to read, download, and share articles without encountering paywalls. This approach fosters the spread of knowledge and enhances scientific advancement by increasing the accessibility of research to a worldwide audience.

Q: What are the Benefits of Open Access for Authors?

A: By making their work freely available, authors can increase the visibility of their research, which often leads to higher citation rates. This wider reach extends beyond the academic community, allowing practitioners and even the general public to access and apply the findings, further amplifying the impact of the work.

Open access can also enhance an author’s reputation, as greater visibility and citations often translate into increased recognition in their field. Additionally, the accessibility of their work can facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration, as researchers from different fields can more easily access and build upon their findings.

Q: How Does Open Access Support the Scientific Community?

A: By removing financial and institutional barriers, it ensures that research is freely available to everyone, regardless of their location or affiliation. This accessibility promotes the global exchange of ideas, allowing researchers from all over the world, including those from under-resourced regions, to participate in and contribute to the scientific community.


Open access helps bridge the gap between institutions with varying levels of resources, fostering a more equitable environment where knowledge is shared and built upon collaboratively. This inclusivity is crucial for addressing global challenges, as it enables a diverse range of perspectives and expertise to come together, driving innovation and progress in ways that might not be possible in a more restricted publishing model.

Q: What Role Does Iris Publishers Play in Open Access Publishing?

A: Iris Publishers plays an important role in the open access publishing landscape by offering a platform for researchers across various disciplines to share their work with a global audience. By eliminating the barriers associated with traditional subscription-based journals, Iris Publishers facilitates the dissemination of high-quality research, making it accessible to a broader community.

Their commitment to open access aligns with the broader goals of increasing visibility and impact for authors, while also promoting a more inclusive and collaborative research environment. This model not only benefits researchers but also enhances the overall advancement of knowledge by making scientific discoveries available to everyone.

Q: Why Should Researchers Choose Iris Publishers for Their Open Access Publishing?

A: By offering a strong reputation and a rigorous peer-review process, Iris Publishers ensures that the research they publish meets high standards of quality and integrity. Their commitment to ethical publishing practices further establishes trust with both authors and readers, which is crucial in the academic community.

Additionally, the user-friendly submission system makes it easier for researchers to submit their work, while the broad audience reach ensures that the research gains the visibility and recognition it deserves. These factors combined make Iris Publishers an attractive option for researchers looking to maximize the impact of their work through open access.

Q: How Does Open Access Publishing with Iris Publishers Enhance Your Research Impact?

A: Iris Publishers ensures that your research reaches a broader spectrum of readers, increasing the chances that it will be cited, discussed, and applied across various disciplines. This expanded reach not only amplifies the influence of your work but also contributes to greater academic and professional recognition, positioning you as a thought leader in your field.

Overall, publishing with Iris Publishers under the open access model not only enhances the impact of your research by making it more accessible and widely cited but also contributes to the advancement of knowledge across disciplines and communities.

Q: What Journals Does Iris Publishers Offer?

A: Iris Publishers provides a wide array of journals that span various fields, including medicine, engineering, environmental science, and social sciences. Each journal focuses on disseminating high-quality research and is indexed in prominent databases, making your work readily accessible.

Q: How Can I Submit My Manuscript to Iris Publishers?

A: Submission process to Iris Publishers. Here’s a concise overview:

  1. Visit the Website: Go to the Iris Publishers website and choose the journal that best fits your research area.
  2. Follow Submission Guidelines: Adhere to the specific guidelines provided by the selected journal for formatting and other requirements.
  3. Submit Your Manuscript: Use the online submission platform to upload your manuscript and any supplementary materials.
  4. Support Available: The platform offers support throughout the submission process to assist with any questions or issues.

This streamlined process, combined with accessible support, helps ensure a smooth submission experience for researchers.

Q: Are There Any Fees Associated with Publishing in Iris Publishers' Open Access Journals?

A: Like many open access publishers, Iris Publishers charges an Article Processing Charge (APC) to cover the costs associated with the publication process. This fee supports the production and dissemination of your research, ensuring it is freely accessible to a global audience without subscription or access fees.

The APC model allows researchers to share their work widely, contributing to the open access movement and enhancing the visibility and impact of their research. If you have any more questions about APCs or need details on the specific charges for Iris Publishers, feel free to ask!


Q: What Are the Author Guidelines for Submitting Manuscripts to Iris Publishers?

A: Here's a summary of the key points for submission process Iris Publishers:

Originality and Authenticity

  • Original Research: Manuscripts must represent the author’s own research or work they have been directly involved with. The results, data, and ideas should be original and not published elsewhere.

Exclusive Submission

  • No Simultaneous Submissions: Authors must not submit the same manuscript to more than one journal at the same time. This practice avoids conflicts between journals and prevents the inefficiencies and ethical issues associated with multiple peer reviews and potential duplicate publications.

Ethical Standards

  • Intellectual Property and Plagiarism: Iris Publishers strictly enforces policies against intellectual property theft and plagiarism. Authors must ensure that any external data or information used is properly cited and authorized, maintaining high ethical standards in their research.

These guidelines are designed to ensure the integrity and quality of the research published, reinforcing trust and credibility in the work that appears in Iris Publishers’ journals.

Q: What Are the Editor Guidelines and Responsibilities at Iris Publishers?

A: Iris Publishers emphasizes the global dissemination of scientific knowledge through the publication of high-quality, open access articles. Editors play a crucial role in maintaining this standard. Here’s a summary of the roles, responsibilities, and benefits associated with being an editorial board member:

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Enhancing Journal Content: Actively seek feedback from associate editors, authors, readers, reviewers, and other editorial board members to continuously improve the journal’s content.
  • Reputation and Standards: Work to enhance the journal’s reputation by upholding high standards and contributing to the journal’s overall quality.
  • Education and Ethics: Support initiatives to educate researchers and young scholars about publication policies and ethics.
  • Contributions and Suggestions: Provide valuable suggestions for organizational progress and journal improvement.
  • Manuscript Review: Review manuscripts based on availability. If unable to review, suggest suitable reviewers. Ensure that confidential data and consent are managed properly.
  • Editorial Decisions: Make timely editorial decisions and communicate them clearly. Verify the validity of scientific facts and maintain open criticism.
  • Originality and Citations: Ensure that published content is original and properly cited, with all sources clearly named.
  • Final Decision: The final decision on manuscript modifications, acceptance, or rejection rests with the editor.

Q: What Are the Associate Editor Guidelines and Responsibilities at Iris Publishers?

A: Associate Editors at Iris Publishers are key to maintaining the quality and integrity of the publication process. Here’s a detailed overview of their roles and responsibilities:

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Quality Assurance:
    • Oversee Manuscripts: Ensure that manuscripts published under their purview are of high quality and relevant to their area of expertise.
  • Educational Initiatives:
    • Promote Ethics: Support and contribute to educational efforts that help researchers and young scholars understand and adhere to publication ethics, fostering a culture of integrity.
  • Flexible Review Process:
    • Review at Convenience: Review manuscripts based on their availability. If unable to do so due to time constraints, they can recommend alternative reviewers to maintain a smooth and timely review process.
  • Confidentiality and Consent:
    • Maintain Confidentiality: Ensure that all data related to their editorial tasks remains confidential. For manuscripts involving sensitive information about individuals, especially in medical or scientific contexts, secure written consent from the individuals before publication.
  • Ensuring Scientific Validity:
    • Verify Facts: Confirm the validity of the scientific facts presented in manuscripts and allow open critique and discussion to assess the manuscript’s quality.
  • Ensuring Originality:
    • Check Originality: Ensure that all published content is original. Proper citation and acknowledgment of sources are essential for maintaining the reliability and integrity of the work.
  • Welcoming Suggestions:
    • Contribute to Improvement: Provide valuable feedback and suggestions to help improve the organizational and editorial processes at Iris Publishers, contributing to ongoing excellence in publication standards.

These responsibilities highlight the crucial role Associate Editors play in upholding the standards of Iris Publishers and ensuring that all published research is of the highest quality.

Q: What is the Plagiarism Policy at Iris Publishers?

A: Plagiarism Policy at Iris Publishers:

    • Unauthorized Use: Plagiarism involves using another author’s ideas or work without proper credit, which is a serious academic offense.
  • Plagiarism Detection:
    • Scanning Process: All manuscripts submitted to Iris Publishers undergo plagiarism scanning to ensure originality.
    • Clarification: If potential plagiarism is detected, authors are contacted to provide clarification.
  • Author Responsibilities:
    • Original Work: Authors are required to submit work that is entirely original.
    • Proper Citation: If incorporating others’ work or ideas, proper citations must be provided within the manuscript using internal citations to acknowledge sources.
  • Ethical Standards:
    • Unacceptable Practices: Failure to correctly quote, cite, or acknowledge another person's words or ideas is considered plagiarism.
    • Zero Tolerance: Iris Publishers has a zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism in any form and considers it unethical publishing behavior.

Iris Publishers is committed to upholding high standards in scholarly publishing by ensuring that all published work is free from plagiarism and maintains academic integrity.

This policy underscores the importance of originality and proper attribution in research, reinforcing Iris Publishers' dedication to ethical and credible scholarly practices.

Q: What is the Peer Review Process at Iris Publishers?

A: The peer review process at Iris Publishers is designed to uphold the quality and integrity of the research they publish. Here’s a detailed overview of how it works:

  1. Initial Assessment:
    • Editorial Review: Upon submission, the editorial team conducts an initial assessment to determine if the manuscript aligns with the journal’s scope and meets its standards.
  2. Expert Review:
    • Selection of Reviewers: If the manuscript passes the initial assessment, it is sent to expert reviewers in the relevant field.
    • Evaluation Criteria: Reviewers assess the manuscript for originality, validity, and significance. They provide detailed feedback and recommendations regarding acceptance, revisions, or rejection.
  3. Double-Blind Review:
    • Anonymity: The process is typically double-blind, meaning that both the reviewers and the authors remain anonymous to each other. This helps ensure impartiality and reduces potential biases.
  4. Editorial Decision:
    • Final Decision: After receiving feedback from reviewers, the editor makes the final decision on the manuscript. This decision is based on the reviewers' comments and recommendations.
  5. Maintaining Scholarly Quality:
    • Ensuring Robust Research: The peer review process is crucial for maintaining the scholarly quality of the content published by Iris Publishers. It ensures that only high-quality, robust research is disseminated to the academic community and the public.

This rigorous review process helps ensure that published articles meet high standards of research excellence and contribute valuable knowledge to their respective fields.

Q: Is Iris Publishers supposedly based in San Francisco?.

A: Yes, Iris Publishers is proudly based in San Francisco. Our office is located at:



315 Montgomery Street, 10th Floor Suite #900,

San Francisco, CA 94104, USA

Fax: +1-415-962-0669

Phone: +1-628-201-9788


As a reputable academic publisher, we are committed to providing a global platform for researchers and professionals to share their work. San Francisco, known for its innovative spirit and diverse academic community, serves as the perfect home for our operations, allowing us to stay at the forefront of academic publishing and research advancements. We are dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of quality, ensuring that groundbreaking research reaches the scientific community and beyond.


Q: Iris publishers indexing?.

A: The ISI server provides indexing of major international journals and proceedings. Author can get information about international journal impact factor.Read more about Iris Publishers Indexing


Iris Publishers Journals Impact Factor

  1. Archives in Neurology & Neuroscience (ANN) : Impact Factor - 1.393
  2. Current Trends in Civil & Structural Engineering (CTCSE) : Impact Factor - 1.508

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Iris Publishers FAQs: Expert Answers to Common Publishing Questions

  Q: What are the Manuscript Guidelines in Open Access Journal Publishers? A: For authors submitting to open-access journals like Iris Pu...