Monday, April 1, 2019

Iris Publishers

Iris Publishers

Iris publishers is an international peer reviewed journal and serving as a publication platform for global researchers, which aspires to publish the articles from researcher’s worldwide according to their research interest.

Our main motto is to spread Scientific work and Inventions all over the world. Hence, for achieving this feast of knowledge we have expertise Editorial Board for each journal from USA, Japan, Canada, Turkey, Italy, Qatar, Brazil, Malaysia, Spain, Egypt, etc.  

And also, we are providing opportunities to the beginners who are enthusiastic to do something innovative.

We include the research areas like
       Medical Group
       Engineering Group
       Life Sciences Group and
       Health Care

Responsibilities we take to publish your eminent article in Iris publishers are

1.       Why Publish with Us
Iris publishers establish high quality publications with a strong vision i.e. to support wider scientific community with very current ideas and approaches.

Our dedicated and expert editorial team will support you throughout the development of your work. Here are some of the benefits we provide:
1.       High visibility of your Published work
2.       Issue of Publication Certificate to author
3.       We offer copyrights to all our authors
4.       Rapid Publication after the article is peer reviewed through eminent reviewers.
5.       Double Blinded Peer Review Process
6.       Articles Available in PDF, Full text, Epub

2.      What Do we do?
At Iris publishers we strive to expose the valuable research work of science and technology to international scientific community.

1.       All works published by Iris publishers are under the terms of Open Access Creative Commons Attribution License.
2.       Our Editor’s Board is a panel of esteemed scientists and research authors who will scrutinize your articles to ensure it follows the publishing policies of our website.
3.       Abstracts and full texts (HTML, XML and PDF format) of all articles published by Iris Publishers can be accessed freely, immediately after its publication.
4.       Citations are easy to track through Google metrics and other citation measurement tools available online.

3.       Plagiarism Policy
At Iris publishers  we have a strict policy against work that is not unique and ensure that all research work is shared with us is authentic by various means necessary. Our peer-review system and plagiarism tests are based on the following policies:
·         The submitted manuscript is checked for the plagiarism before starting the review process.
·         We only accept original content from authors, which means that their work should not be under review by other publications.
·         We have a set of guidelines and templates for all authors to follow while creating and submitting their manuscripts.
·         Uniqueness is key to acceptance at IRIS. Any work that has less than 75% originality will be rejected.

4.       Peer Review Process
Iris publishers  will conduct the Double blinded peer review process by our eminent Editors according to the research interest for your articles it will take two weeks’ time to publish your informative article from the date of submission.

5.      Membership
We offer variety of membership options for our research scholars, scientists, professors, authors, reviewers, editors and students.

Advantages of Membership with Iris publishers
·         Each of these membership options provide the benefits of submitting unlimited manuscripts within their membership duration.
·         IRIS members get priority treatment that ensures smooth peer-review and quick publication process.
·         Increased exposure for an organization
·         These members will receive exclusive updates, news and information regularly through email.

6.      Scholarships
Scholarships are awarded to exceptional researchers to encourage their continued research and publication with us. We also hold conferences where they can present this work. These scholarships are given to selected authors, recommended by editorial members, based on the importance of their citation and how informative it is. This is done to recognize and promote excellence in scientific research and to encourage more students to flourish in their field of work.


  1. Iris Publishers enhances visibility and impact of one's own work as Open Access articles are downloaded and cited more frequently. Free access to scientific knowledge, information and data strengthens the basis for transfer (education), development (research) and valorization of knowledge.

  2. The above topic has excellent explanation about the Iris publishers, I was impressed about the Plagiarism policy, especially about double blinded peer review process.

  3. Iris Publishers strictly follows the peer review process to improve the article quality. Open access articles
    available in three formats and can be easily accessible.

  4. I am very mush satisfied with the publisher and suggest everyone to publish their articles in Iris publishers because everyone needs a peer reviewed open access journal that publishes quality article.


Iris Publishers-Open access Journal of Otolaryngology and Rhinology | The Feasibility of Telepractice Intervention using Animated Illustrations for Remediating Prepositions: A Pilot Study

  Authored by  Sue Ann S Lee*, Abstract This study explored the feasibility of telepractice intervention for treating prepositions using ani...