Monday, July 22, 2024

Iris Publishers-Open access Journal of Dentistry & Oral Health | Occlusal Disease: Symptoms and Treatment


Authored by Fadi Nader*,


This paper presents the case of a 15-year-old African-American female who presented with a unilocular radiolucency in the posterior mandible. A history of clinical presentation, differential diagnosis, histologic diagnosis, and the surgical procedure are reported. This is followed by a discussion of the recurrence rate of the lesion as well as its surgical management with topical adjuncts.


Do you often have headaches, neck pains, and jaw pains? If yes, then you might be suffering from occlusal disease and need to see a dentist as soon as possible. Pains on the neck, jaw combined with incessant headaches could be a result of malocclusion. When you have poor occlusion, you can lose your teeth through bruxism (continuous clenching and grinding of one’s teeth). Bruxism will cause a loss of enamel and the eventual loss of the tooth structure. Occlusal disease is one of the most painful and stressful dental diseases you can have.

What are Occlusal Problems?

Occlusion is the manner your teeth arrange themselves when you close your mouth. It is also known as bite and is characterized by three factors-your teeth, muscles, and bones. These factors influence the way your teeth come together after you close your mouth. Posture can also be considered as a factor. An ideal occlusion will have all the teeth come into their proper place whenever you open or close your mouth.

Occlusal problems or diseases are said to have occurred when there is a problem with this arrangement. That is, Occlusal problems are the misalignment of the teeth because of wear and tear. They can be treated, though they are very painful and can cause severe damage to the gums and teeth.

What Contributes to Malocclusion?

Some factors that will result in malocclusion are abnormal swallowing patterns and thumb sucking. These two affect the teeth at the anterior parts of the mouth. Others are the over-retention of a baby’s teeth, constricted palate, and inadequate lower jaw length. When a baby’s teeth are overly retained, it will prevent the adult teeth from coming out at the right time, which will eventually space the adjacent teeth in the mouth. It is always best to see a dentist once you notice any problem in the mouth area, including a constricted palate and lower teeth crowding.

What are the Results of Malocclusion?

Malocclusions have devastating effects on the mouth. They can cause the loss of enamel, affecting the sensitivity of your teeth. They also destroy the tooth structure, making sure to weaken itsometimes, almost beyond repair. A person with malocclusion will likely get their teeth fractured, experience severe jaw pains, and experience TMJ pains (Temporo-mandibular joint). All of these problems will acclimatize in frequent headaches, constant neck pains, and bad posture. One experiences lousy posture because of the natural human instinct to accommodate the pain.

People with malocclusion can have mobile teeth since the teeth are not stabilized on the gum. They will also have to exert a lot of force while chewing food. It would help if you were constantly vigilant to notice when you experience these problems. Doing this will help you to get help from a dentist quickly. Ensure you visit a reliable dentist to help fix your teeth.

Occlusal Disease Symptoms

Your teeth will give you signs of a bad occlusion; you only have to watch out for it. These symptoms can be mild or severe at times. And at some time, you might not register any pain from your teeth, but there is a problem. It would be best if you always took good care of your dental health. Not only will this help you develop a strong teeth structure, but it will also help you to note down the occurrences that are happening in your mouth area. You will be able to notice when your teeth become cracked or your gum changes color. And when you notice any problem early, you will be able to deal with it effectively. Now, in the case of malocclusion, what should you watch out for?

1. Wear and tear on the surfaces of your teeth
2. Erosion of your teeth’s root surfaces
3. Fractured teeth
4. Disappearing gums
5. Grinding of teeth
6. Loss of enamel (susceptible teeth to hot and cold things)
7. Thinning at the anterior ends of your teeth
8. Joint and muscles pain
9. Mobile teeth (your teeth seem to move)
10. Headaches
11. Bone loss around your teeth
12. Chewing and biting pain
13. Irregular breathing
14. Baby’s teeth disappear too early or too late
15. Crowded or blocked teeth
16. Popping jaw sounds
17. Difficulty in producing speech
18. Cheeks bite
19. Uncomfortable mouth closure
20. Lack of facial balance

Treatment for Dental Occlusion

A dentist will evaluate your teeth for occlusion whenever you visit them. When they find traces of this problem, they will provide you with any of these four treatment options, depending on the severity of your teeth’ malocclusion. These treatment options include:

Tooth equilibration

This procedure helps to adjust the biting surface of your teeth to relieve their stress and improve their function. When you undergo this procedure, your tooth will reduce the stress they have on each other, thereby reducing the pressure on the joints and your jaw muscles. When your malocclusion is very severe, equilibration can be used to restore or reshape several teeth into their average balance.


Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with the correction of misaligned or irregular teeth. In most cases, orthodontic braces will help you correct malocclusion and strengthen the teeth. When you meet with your dentist, they will decide what braces to use, depending on the stresses and how damaged your teeth are.

Restorative treatment

Instead of braces, your teeth will be fitted with dental crowns to correct the malocclusion. Rather than shave or alter some of your teeth, this will restore them. Restorative treatments can repair tooth decay, cavities, missing teeth, among many other teeth problems.


This procedure involves dental splints and bites guards to help to alter malocclusion by relaxing the jaws. These bite guards and splints are placed on the maxillary teeth. It is also a procedure that can prevent fracture and TMJ disorders. They, however, would not cause permanent changes on the teeth and are used for a short period.


Occlusal problems can be excruciating and devastating if they are not dealt with early. Therefore, you should contact your dentist immediately you notice anything wrong with your teeth. Remember, your dental health is crucial to the overall health of your body.

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